
Find buses to New Haven

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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for bus tickets to New Haven

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With transfers
7h 30m
With transfers
7h 25m
With transfers
6h 15m
With transfers
5h 30m

New Haven bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to New Haven.

One-way from

The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Baltimore starts at $39. This price was found within the last 3 days.

Book one-way bus tickets to New Haven

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to New Haven we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Apr 30
10:40 amBaltimore Downtown
7h 30m
1 stop
6:10 pmNew Haven
Apr 29
1:45 amBaltimore Downtown
7h 25m
1 stop
9:10 amNew Haven
May 7
3:00 pmBoston South Station
6h 15m
1 stop
9:15 pmNew Haven
May 7
9:15 amBoston Logan Intl
5h 30m
3 stops
2:45 pmNew Haven

FAQs for booking bus tickets to New Haven

How do I get to the bus station in New Haven?

For the bus from New Haven, you should know that the city center is nearby the bus station and is walkable. After your New Haven buses, walking is the best way to see the city, but the bus routes 271 and 272 will take you from the downtown area to the station. By train, take the Shore or East lines. By bus or train will take approximately 20-30 minutes. After you book your New Haven cheap bus tickets, your other option is to hail a taxi, and this is your quickest option. Be certain to plan how you intend to get to the station so you know how long it might take. Always arrive about an hour before your departing bus. You can check the momondo app for bus prices for New Haven.

Do bus stations from New Haven offer any amenities?

You got your bus tickets from New Haven, now you should know that the station for New Haven buses offers you many things to make your train trip memorable. The station has restaurants that are walkable from the station in case you want to eat before your journey. You can get the schedule for cheap buses to New Haven on the momondo app, and the station has charging stations for your electronics. Fully accessible bathrooms make travel easy for all passengers, and vending machines are available. Full service is provided for disabled passengers, including wheelchair support. Notify the booking agent of New Haven buses when booking that you require assistance. The station offers bike bags and boxes for a small fee.

What do I need before boarding a bus from New Haven?

Know that for a bus from New Haven you will need to show a valid driver’s license along with a copy of your ticket. You may use a digital copy or show a printed one, but you must present it with your identification. A bus from New Haven follows the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration guidelines that include random ticket checks throughout the journey. Always have your documents easily accessible in the event the train attendants ask for them. Passengers with therapy dogs should have certificates signed by a veterinarian. Luggage allowances have limits on weight and size, so make certain you look at these before your trip. Excess luggage or heavy items could be charged extra fees.

When does the first and last bus depart from New Haven?

For New Haven buses traveling to various cities, there are at least three Greyhound buses per day, depending on your day of travel and what city you are going to. Most of the buses leave around noon, with departures in the later afternoon around 4:00 pm. For the most organized travel, it’s best to download the momondo app. With it, you can check cheap bus tickets, schedules, and see any possible changes for your bus fare. Keep in mind that larger destination cities like New York will have more buses departing daily, and a more varied departure time. Make sure you get to the station at least an hour in advance.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from New Haven?

For the bus from New Haven, you can check one bag around 50lbs (22.6kg), and a carry-on bag that is close to 25lbs (11.3kg). Additional bag storage can be purchased, and a bicycle can go on the bus, but it must not be more than 40lbs. There are a few different ways to store it on the bus, and both ways require different fees. There are times when there is no room for a bike because of a crowded bus and too much luggage. Check when you book your fare to see the availability for taking a bicycle with you. Other items like skis or sports equipment can also go, but they too must be stored in bags.

How much is a bus ticket to Tweed-New Haven?

If you’re leaving from Boston the lowest ticket price is usually about $44, from New York it’s about $713, and from Washington, D.C. it’s around $90.

What bus companies go to Tweed-New Haven?

Tweed-New Haven is serviced by some of the leading bus companies. Keep in mind that your options may vary by the city you’re departing from. Our data shows that Greyhound and Bus were frequently booked by travelers.

How far in advance should I book a bus to Tweed-New Haven?

Our users have found bus tickets to Tweed-New Haven for $39 on average this week. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. We recommend booking when you can to ensure you have your desired date secured.

Popular bus routes to New Haven

Most frequently searched bus routes to New Haven, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Buses to New Haven from Boston
Fastest travel time3h 20m
Cheapest price$44

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