
Find buses from Bordeaux to Lyon

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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon

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With transfers
7h 35m
With transfers
7h 35m
With transfers
7h 35m
With transfers
7h 50m
With transfers
8h 10m
With transfers
7h 50m

Bordeaux to Lyon bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Bordeaux to Lyon

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

8h 05m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon found within the last 3 days start at $45 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $24. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Bordeaux to Lyon is 8h 05m
ALSA, FlixBus and BlaBlaBus service this route

Bordeaux Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Bordeaux
Bordeaux StalingradBordeaux, 44.84007, -0.559932
Bordeaux Campus TalenceBordeaux, 44.79666, -0.602413
Bordeaux Rue d'EnghienBordeaux, 44.845913, -0.576223
Bordeaux Quai de PaludateBordeaux, 44.829826, -0.555211
Bordeaux Floirac DravemontBordeaux, 44.846138, -0.510071
Bordeaux ArcachonBordeaux, 44.6586, -1.16528

Lyon Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Lyon
Lyon Dardilly Les CharrièresLyon, 45.82371, 4.76287
Lyon BronLyon, 45.730293, 4.891339
Lyon Annecy Eglise Des FinsLyon, 45.911255, 6.123782
Lyon Annecy BuissonLyon, 45.91443, 6.145
Lyon Annecy TilleulsLyon, 45.92114, 6.144907
Lyon Annecy Pringy BourgLyon, 45.94741, 6.120885

Book round-trip bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jul 11
3:30 amBordeaux Saint-Jean
7h 59m
11:29 amLyon Perrache
Jul 16
3:00 pmLyon Perrache
7h 44m
10:44 pmBordeaux Saint-Jean
Jun 4
10:40 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 05m
6:45 amLyon Perrache
Jun 6
8:00 amLyon Perrache
9h 15m
5:15 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
May 24
10:40 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 05m
6:45 amLyon Perrache
May 27
8:00 amLyon Perrache
9h 15m
5:15 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
May 23
12:30 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 05m
8:35 pmLyon Perrache
May 30
10:00 amLyon Perrache
8h 05m
6:05 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
May 29
9:20 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
7h 50m
5:10 pmLyon Perrache
May 29
11:15 pmLyon Perrache
8h 15m
7:30 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
May 25
9:20 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
7h 50m
5:10 pmLyon Perrache
Jun 5
8:00 amLyon Perrache
9h 15m
5:15 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate

Book one-way bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
May 1
9:35 amBordeaux Floirac Dravemont
7h 35m
5:10 pmLyon Perrache
May 3
9:35 amBordeaux Floirac Dravemont
7h 35m
5:10 pmLyon Perrache
May 4
9:35 amBordeaux Floirac Dravemont
7h 35m
5:10 pmLyon Perrache
Jun 8
9:20 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
7h 50m
5:10 pmLyon Perrache
May 15
10:00 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 10m
6:10 pmLyon Perrache
May 3
9:20 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
7h 50m
5:10 pmLyon Perrache

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Bordeaux to Lyon?

Most Bordeaux to Lyon buses usually depart from Bordeaux Gare Saint-Jean station. You can also access buses from Bordeaux to Lyon at Bordeaux Quai de Paludate or Bordeaux Avenue Salvador Allende. Gare Saint-Jean is located a short drive from the city center of Bordeaux and passengers have several options to get to it. Similarly, Gare Perrache is one of the most popular arrival stations for these buses from Bordeaux to Lyon. This station is situated approximately one mile from the city center of Lyon. However, Lyon Dardilly and Lyon Perrache also serve as arrival stations for some of the buses to Lyon from Bordeaux. Passengers are assured of getting bus tickets to Lyon from Bordeaux as there are daily departures from Gare Saint-Jean, Quai de Paludate, and Avenue Salvador Allende. Additionally, you get to choose between the indirect or direct buses to Lyon from Bordeaux.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Bordeaux to Lyon?

Buses from Bordeaux to Lyon offer different amenities based on the bus service provider. BlaBlaBus and FlixBus are some of the most popular companies running buses from Bordeaux to Lyon. FlixBus treats its passengers to various amenities depending on the class of travel. Some of the standard amenities to expect on a Bordeaux to Lyon-bound FlixBus are power outlets to help your devices get charged throughout the journey and free Wi-Fi. FlixBus also provides onboard snack and drinks services where passengers can grab a bite whenever they get hungry before reaching their destinations. Additionally, it comes with comfy seats with headrests and plenty of legroom for stretching out. All passengers on BlaBlaBus buses to Lyon from Bordeaux are offered clean restrooms, air conditioning, enough storage space, and electrical outlets for charging your devices during the bus trip. BlaBlaBus buses guarantee enhanced comfort as they provide seats with foldable backrests and extra legroom. This ensures that passengers get to enjoy even longer trips.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Bordeaux to Lyon?

Luggage policies for Bordeaux to Lyon buses differ depending on the bus service provider. Those with BlaBlaBus bus tickets to Lyon from Bordeaux are entitled to bring two free carry-on luggage per passenger. Each of these should either fit below your seat or in the storage compartment above your seat. Additionally, one free hold item to be kept in the baggage hold is allowed for each ticket holder. However, it must weigh no more than 55 pounds and have a maximum length, width, and depth of 78 inches. Passengers will have to pay for the excess baggage with only one paid piece of luggage accepted for each passenger per trip. It should also not exceed the stated maximum weight and size limits. Sports equipment like a surfboard, musical instruments, and a bicycle can be stowed in the baggage hold and are counted as one piece of your luggage. However, a pushchair or pram doesn't count when counting your luggage. FlixBus allows passengers to have one carry-on bag and one checked bag on its buses to Lyon from Bordeaux. It also carries one special luggage for free per passenger provided reservations are made in advance.

When does the first bus and the last bus depart from Bordeaux to Lyon?

The earliest bus to Lyon from Bordeaux departs from Bordeaux Gare Saint-Jean station at around 5:40 am. The last bus from Bordeaux to Lyon leaves Bordeaux Gare Saint-Jean station at around 10:30 pm. Be sure to check the latest bus schedule for Bordeaux to Lyon buses on momondo to book buses suiting your planned time of departure.

How many buses are there from Bordeaux to Lyon each day?

The number of buses traveling to Lyon from Bordeaux is heavily influenced by the day of the week. On average, there are nine buses carrying passengers daily from Bordeaux to Lyon. Some run direct buses while others have layovers en route. Out of the nine, there are at least four direct buses on this route each day.

How much does a bus ticket from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry cost?

A ticket from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry for this week starts from $24 one-way. At $24 on average, one-way bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry are best booked early to save more on your trip.

How long is the bus ride from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 8h 05m bus from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry. BlaBlaBus has the quickest available bus to your destination.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry?

The cost of a bus from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry is about $24 one-way this week. Our data shows that prices are fairly stable throughout the next 3 months. You can book now to make sure your seat is secured.

Which bus companies operate between Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry?

There are many buses traveling between Bordeaux and Lyon-Saint Exupéry. ALSA, FlixBus, and BlaBlaBus are some of the available options. The cheapest option is offered by ALSA, with prices starting at $45 round-trip.

How far is Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry by bus?

There’s 270.4 mi from Bordeaux to Lyon-Saint Exupéry. The distance via bus depends on which roads the driver takes - this can change mid-journey. The bus usually takes 8h 05m in normal traffic conditions.

FlixBus buses from Bordeaux to Lyon

Our best FlixBus deals on Bordeaux to Lyon bus tickets
Jun 4
O0310:40 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 05m
XYL6:45 amLyon Perrache
Jun 6
XYL8:00 amLyon Perrache
9h 15m
O035:15 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
Jun 4
O0310:40 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 05m
XYL6:45 amLyon Perrache
Jun 6
XYL8:00 amLyon Perrache
9h 15m
O035:15 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate

BlaBlaBus buses from Bordeaux to Lyon

Our best BlaBlaBus deals on Bordeaux to Lyon bus tickets
May 23
O0312:30 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 05m
XYL8:35 pmLyon Perrache
May 30
XYL10:00 amLyon Perrache
8h 05m
O036:05 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
May 23
O0310:00 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
8h 10m
XYL6:10 pmLyon Perrache
May 27
XYL2:00 pmLyon Perrache
8h 00m
O0310:00 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate

More bus options to Lyon

Besides Bordeaux there are other cities with transportation to Lyon. See below for more options.
Buses to Lyon from Zurich
Fastest travel time6h 35m
Cheapest price$286

Other popular bus routes from Bordeaux

Change your mind about taking a bus to Lyon? Below are other buses from Bordeaux that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Bordeaux to San Sebastian
Fastest travel time2h 55m
Cheapest price$30
Buses from Bordeaux to Tours
Fastest travel time4h 30m
Cheapest price$686
Buses from Bordeaux to La Rochelle
Fastest travel time2h 45m
Cheapest price$30

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