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abr 30 — mai 71
1 adult
ter 4/30

Best deals for train tickets from Raleigh to Charlotte

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With transfers
3h 13m
With transfers
3h 13m
With transfers
3h 13m
With transfers
2h 46m
With transfers
3h 13m
With transfers
3h 13m

Raleigh to Charlotte train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Raleigh to Charlotte






The best round-trip train deal from Raleigh to Charlotte found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $52
The best one-way train deal from Raleigh to Charlotte found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $26
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Raleigh Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Raleigh
Raleigh North Carolina - State FairRaleigh, 35.794205, -78.70629
RaleighRaleigh, 35.77492, -78.6459
Raleigh DurhamRaleigh, 35.99724, -78.90713

Charlotte Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Charlotte
CharlotteCharlotte, 35.2414, -80.822815

Book round-trip train tickets from Raleigh to Charlotte

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Raleigh to Charlotte that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 11
3:27 pmCary
2h 54m
6:21 pmCharlotte
May 11
7:45 pmCharlotte
2h 51m
10:36 pmCary
Apr 30
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
May 1
2:20 pmCharlotte
3h 00m
5:20 pmCary
May 24
1:12 pmCary
2h 58m
4:10 pmCharlotte
May 26
5:30 pmCharlotte
2h 43m
8:13 pmCary
May 12
3:27 pmCary
2h 54m
6:21 pmCharlotte
May 12
7:45 pmCharlotte
2h 51m
10:36 pmCary
May 24
6:42 amCary
2h 46m
9:28 amCharlotte
May 24
5:30 pmCharlotte
2h 43m
8:13 pmCary
May 2
1:12 pmCary
2h 58m
4:10 pmCharlotte
May 5
7:45 pmCharlotte
2h 51m
10:36 pmCary

Book one-way train tickets from Raleigh to Charlotte

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Raleigh to Charlotte we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 23
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
May 24
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
May 7
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
May 24
6:42 amCary
2h 46m
9:28 amCharlotte
May 10
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte
May 1
5:43 pmCary
3h 13m
8:56 pmCharlotte

FAQs for booking trains from Raleigh to Charlotte

What train stations are used when traveling from Raleigh to Charlotte?

When making the trip on trains from Raleigh to Charlotte, you will depart from Raleigh Union Station. You will find the station on Martin Street, located on the west side of downtown Raleigh. If you are looking for a public transportation option to get you from downtown Raleigh to the station, a good choice is the #7 bus, which makes the trip in around 10 minutes. Trains to Charlotte from Raleigh arrive at the Amtrak Station in Charlotte, which is located just to the northeast of downtown Charlotte and sits conveniently right along Highway 29. To get to downtown Charlotte after your journey on trains from Raleigh to Charlotte, you can take the #11 bus, which will get you to the city center in around 10 minutes.

Do Amtrak trains from Raleigh to Charlotte have Wi-Fi?

While not all of the Raleigh to Charlotte trains offer Wi-Fi, there are some that provide this amenity. If you purchase trains tickets for Amtrak's Carolinian line, you can take advantage of Wi-Fi service available for all passengers. On a daily basis, this train line departs the station in Raleigh at around 5:30 p.m. and arrives in Charlotte at around 9:00 p.m. Passengers should keep in mind that Amtrak limits the bandwidth that each passenger can use to make sure that all passengers have equal access to the Wi-Fi. Because of that, you most likely will not be able to do high-bandwidth activities such as streaming movies or music during your journey. It is also important to remember that since the train's Wi-Fi depends on cell towers, service can be spotty during the trip, depending on the coverage available along the way.

Are pets allowed on the train from Raleigh to Charlotte?

Amtrak limits pet travel to journeys that are no more than seven hours, and since the trip on trains from Raleigh to Charlotte generally takes around 3h 30min, you are more than welcome to bring your pet onboard Raleigh to Charlotte trains. In order to travel with your small pet, both the approved carrier that they travel in and the pet itself must weigh no more than 20 lbs. You will also need to sign a pet release and indemnification agreement for each segment of your travel, and Amtrak asks that your pet be at least eight weeks old and up-to-date on all of their vaccinations. It is also important to remember that your pet must ride in the carrier at all times on trains to Charlotte from Raleigh and not be a disturbance to any other passengers.

What luggage is allowed on Raleigh to Charlotte trains?

When traveling on Raleigh to Charlotte trains aboard Amtrak, you will find that they offer quite a generous luggage policy. Travelers can bring up to two personal items and two carry-on bags aboard the train and store them above their seat, under the seat in front of them, or in storage areas located at the end of each train car. If you need to bring larger items on trains to Charlotte from Raleigh, you can send them along as checked baggage and the first two of these bags will ride for free. You can also bring an additional two checked bags on Raleigh to Charlotte trains for an extra fee. If you would like to bring larger items such as golf clubs, bicycles, baby items such as strollers, surfboards, or snowboards, you can do so in place of one of the checked bags. Oversized items such as this will incur an additional fee for travel.

How much does a train ticket from Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas cost?

For this week, you can purchase tickets from Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas starting at $26 one-way. This month, the average cost of a train ticket from Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas is $26 one-way.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas?

Train ticket prices from Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas are the same no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are $26 one-way this week and should remain stable for at least the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas?

Ride to your destination comfortably on Amtrak. Consider Amtrak as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas starting at $52.

How far is Raleigh-Durham to Charlotte Douglas by train?

Raleigh-Durham and Charlotte Douglas are 129.6 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Raleigh to Charlotte?

At 1h 05m, choosing to opt for a flight from Raleigh to Charlotte for this trip versus opting for a train from Raleigh to Charlotte or a bus from Raleigh to Charlotte can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Raleigh to Charlotte?

Planning to book a train from Raleigh to Charlotte can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a bus are priced higher than the cost of a train. You can search prices for a flight from Raleigh starting at $126 to Charlotte or a bus from Raleigh to Charlotte starting at $72 if that is your preferred method of transportation.

Amtrak trains from Raleigh to Charlotte

Our best Amtrak deals on Raleigh to Charlotte train tickets
May 11
YN93:27 pmCary
2h 54m
LT96:21 pmCharlotte
May 11
LT97:45 pmCharlotte
2h 51m
YN910:36 pmCary
May 24
GH65:30 pmRaleigh
3h 26m
LT98:56 pmCharlotte
May 26
LT96:45 amCharlotte
3h 20m
GH610:05 amRaleigh

Popular train routes to Charlotte

Most frequently searched train routes to Charlotte, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Charlotte from Atlanta
Fastest travel time5h 37m
Cheapest price$99
Trains to Charlotte from Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time8h 00m
Cheapest price$172

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