Find trains from Boston to Miami

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Oct 26 — Nov 21
1 adult
Sat 10/26

Boston Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Boston
Boston Quincy Center StationBoston, 42.25201, -71.00597
Boston DoverBoston, 43.197968, -70.878365
Boston FraminghamBoston, 42.276688, -71.417465
Boston North StationBoston, 42.366234, -71.06112
Boston Westwood Route 128 and University ParkBoston, 42.210278, -71.14722
Boston Back BayBoston, 42.34722, -71.075554

Miami Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Miami
Miami Virgin MiamiCentralMiami, 25.779848, -80.19558
Miami West Palm Beach Brightline StationMiami, 26.712015, -80.05536
MiamiMiami, 25.849554, -80.25776

FAQs for booking trains from Boston to Miami

How far is Boston Logan Intl to Miami by train?

Boston Logan Intl and Miami are 1257.0 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken.

Popular train routes to Miami

Most frequently searched train routes to Miami, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Miami from New York
Fastest travel time27h 44m
Cheapest price$292
Trains to Miami from Jacksonville
Fastest travel time9h 10m
Cheapest price$103
Trains to Miami from Orlando
Fastest travel time5h 40m
Cheapest price$64
Trains to Miami from Philadelphia
Fastest travel time26h 04m
Cheapest price$278
Trains to Miami from Fort Lauderdale
Fastest travel time0h 40m
Cheapest price$22
Trains to Miami from Chicago
Fastest travel time46h 29m
Cheapest price$250

Other train routes from Boston

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Boston to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Boston to New York
Fastest travel time3h 30m
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Trains from Boston to Washington, D.C.
Fastest travel time6h 31m
Cheapest price$142
Trains from Boston to Philadelphia
Fastest travel time4h 50m
Cheapest price$128
Trains from Boston to Providence
Fastest travel time0h 28m
Cheapest price$22
Trains from Boston to Baltimore
Fastest travel time6h 08m
Cheapest price$167
Trains from Boston to New Haven
Fastest travel time2h 03m
Cheapest price$44
Trains from Boston to Chicago
Fastest travel time22h 15m
Cheapest price$219
Trains from Boston to Syracuse
Fastest travel time8h 54m
Cheapest price$75
Trains from Boston to Cleveland
Fastest travel time14h 56m
Cheapest price$161
Trains from Boston to Portland
Fastest travel time2h 30m
Cheapest price$50
Trains from Boston to Wilmington
Fastest travel time5h 23m
Cheapest price$183
Trains from Boston to Charlottesville
Fastest travel time11h 13m
Cheapest price$227

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