Cheapest day of week | Wednesday | is the cheapest day of the week to book |
Highest day of week | Friday | is the most expensive day of the week to book |
$16 | is the average per night cost for a hostel on this day | |
$85 | is the average per night cost for a hostel on this day |
A hostel in Kotor will typically cost about $29 per night. The cheapest nightly rate in Kotor is $18. The average weekly rate to stay at a hostel in Kotor is $487. The monthly rate in Kotor is $2,088.
On average, momondo users who have stayed at Kotor hostels have stayed for 5 days. On average, a 5-days stay at a hostel in Kotor will cost $144.
On average, a hostel in Kotor will cost you $29/night which is 13% less than 2 star hotels, 68% less than 3 star hotels, and 75% less than 4 star hotels. Based on the price of hostels compared to that of 2 star, 3 star, and 4 star hotels, a hostel is a good option if you are looking to save some money on your trip to Kotor.
momondo users familiar with hostels in Kotor have rated them a 8.4 out of 10. Based on that rating, momondo and its users would recommend looking into a hostel instead of a 2-star hotel, which has a rating of 7.9.
There are 1,945 operators available for hotels in Kotor as of February 2025.
Prices for hotels in Kotor refresh daily.