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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for bus tickets to Santander

Find the right bus ticket for you
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
With transfers
6h 30m
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
With transfers
8h 25m
With transfers
5h 45m
With transfers
5h 30m
With transfers
5h 30m
With transfers
5h 45m

Santander bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to Santander.

Round-trip from


One-way from


Popular station

Santander Astillero

Popular bus line

Bus tickets to Santander found within the last 3 days start at $8 round-trip from Bilbao
The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Bordeaux starts at $20. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The most commonly used station in Santander is Santander Astillero.
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus and ALSA are some of the bus lines that arrive at Santander Astillero

Santander Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Santander
Santander AstilleroSantander, 43.40347, -3.823494
Santander PeñacastilloSantander, 43.446953, -3.868678
Santander SardineroSantander, 43.476643, -3.791026
Santander Palacio de la MagdalenaSantander, 43.46961, -3.766999
Santander Universidad De SantanderSantander, 43.472004, -3.79435
Santander Universidad de SantanderSantander, 43.471104, -3.800521

Book round-trip bus tickets to Santander

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets to Santander that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 18
8:15 amBilbao Intermodal
1h 35m
9:50 amSantander
May 25
6:55 pmSantander
1h 35m
8:30 pmBilbao Intermodal
May 9
8:15 amBilbao Intermodal
1h 35m
9:50 amSantander
May 10
6:55 pmSantander
1h 35m
8:30 pmBilbao Intermodal
May 9
8:15 amBilbao Intermodal
1h 35m
9:50 amSantander
May 12
6:55 pmSantander
1h 35m
8:30 pmBilbao Intermodal
May 4
4:25 pmOviedo
2h 25m
6:50 pmSantander
May 8
9:55 amSantander
2h 15m
12:10 pmOviedo
May 4
4:25 pmOviedo Estación de Autobuses
2h 25m
6:50 pmSantander
May 8
9:55 amSantander
2h 15m
12:10 pmOviedo Estación de Autobuses
May 5
4:25 pmOviedo Estación de Autobuses
2h 25m
6:50 pmSantander
May 9
9:55 amSantander
2h 15m
12:10 pmOviedo Estación de Autobuses

Book one-way bus tickets to Santander

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to Santander we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
Jun 6
3:20 amBordeaux Saint-Jean
6h 30m
1 stop
9:50 amSantander
Apr 27
10:25 amVigo Bus Station
8h 25m
6:50 pmSantander
May 8
10:30 amMadrid Avenida de America - Bus Station
5h 45m
4:15 pmSantander
May 22
6:30 pmMadrid Avenida de America - Bus Station
5h 30m
12:00 amSantander
May 23
6:30 pmMadrid Avenida de America - Bus Station
5h 30m
12:00 amSantander
Apr 24
10:30 amMadrid Avenida de America - Bus Station
5h 45m
4:15 pmSantander

FAQs for booking bus tickets to Santander

What amenities are offered on buses from Santander?

Most cheap buses departing from Santander, in the north of Spain, are operated by ALSA. Some bus routes, especially international ones, switch to buses run by other companies, such as FlixBus. ALSA buses departing from Santander, whether they are regional buses staying within Spain or buses that will travel to international destinations, offer comfortable rides and competitive bus prices through momondo. Passengers can enjoy safety and comfort in reclining seats with footrests. Bathrooms are available on all buses, and so is Wi-Fi. Some buses offer touch-screen on-board entertainment, but many cheap bus tickets do not include buses with this service. Once you’ve researched your options for bus tickets through momondo and made your purchase, check with ALSA to see what bus you will be taking and what equipment is has on board.

How do I get to the bus station in Santander?

When you take a cheap bus from Santander, Spain, you will be departing from the Santander Bus Station, known as the Estación De Autobuses De Santander. It is located on the corner of Navas de Tolosa Street and Plaza Estaciones. You can take a taxi to and from the station; the taxi stand is outside the station. Intercity and urban buses also stop at the Estación De Autobuses, so you can catch a local bus from throughout Santander in order to get your ALSA bus for your longer journey to another city in Spain or in Europe. You can also take a series of buses from the Seve Ballesteros Airport to the Estación De Autobuses. The bus station is nearby the train station, so you can also take a train to Santander then take a short walk to the bus station.

What are the benefits of taking a bus from Santander?

If you want to experience Spain affordably and without the hustle and bustle of larger cities, Santander is an excellent bus destination. Taking a bus is one of the most economical ways to travel through Spain and across Europe, especially if you purchase your tickets through momondo. Bus travel is usually less expensive than flying or renting a car, more eco-friendly compared to driving a car, and less of a hassle because you do not have to find and pay for parking as you sightsee. A local bus route connects the Santander bus station to the airport. Another convenient advantage of the Estación De Autobuses is that it is a very short walk from the Santander train station, making it convenient for you to connect to a train.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Santander?

On cheap buses operated by ALSA out of Santander, passengers can bring approximately 66lbs of luggage aboard for a trip within Spain, and about 110lbs of luggage on board for an international trip. For a fee, passengers can bring additional luggage of about 44lbs on bus trips that remain within Spain. Passengers may also purchase insurance to cover the loss or damage to some of their luggage, under certain conditions, so check with ALSA for restrictions and exclusions before purchasing insurance. For a fee, ALSA buses will allow you to take skis, surfboards, and bicycles, but the items must be wrapped and passengers must contact ALSA to arrange for transport of sporting equipment before their trip. ALSA offers bike covers for a fee.

Do bus stations in Santander offer any amenities?

Along Plaza Estaciones, the Estación De Autobuses has a long waiting area covered by an opaque plastic canopy that provides a lot of covered seating while you are waiting for your bus. You can enter the station at the end of the long canopy or at the main entrance, which is around the corner on Navas de Tolosa Street. Inside the train station, passengers can enjoy several amenities and services, such as public parking, cash machines, waiting rooms, and restrooms. Lockers are available for a fee, and you will also find a cafeteria, a check-in, phone booths, and a shopping area.

How much is a bus ticket to Santander?

Bus tickets from Zaragoza to Santander usually start from around $90. Generally, the lowest price will be determined by your location.

What is the main bus station in Santander?

The main station in Santander is Santander Astillero. At Santander Astillero, you can find a number of buses offering service to other major cities. A common major city you can get to by bus from Santander Astillero is San Sebastian.

What bus companies go to Santander?

Some of the options we’ve found for buses to Santander are FlixBus, BlaBlaBus, and ALSA. Typically, your options for buses to Santander will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a bus to Santander?

Our users have found bus tickets to Santander for $20 on average this week. The price of a bus ticket to Santander remains generally consistent for the next 3 months. Seats may fill unexpectedly, so book when you can to secure your seat.

Popular bus routes to Santander

Most frequently searched bus routes to Santander, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Buses to Santander from Zaragoza
Fastest travel time5h 30m
Cheapest price$90

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