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Apr 25 — May 21
1 adult
Thu 4/25

Best deals for train tickets to Santander

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With transfers
4h 05m
With transfers
4h 53m
With transfers
4h 05m
With transfers
4h 13m
With transfers
4h 13m
With transfers
4h 53m

Santander train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Santander








The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Santander is from Valladolid, starting at $39. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Santander is from Madrid, starting at $30. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Torrelavega is one of the most popular stations in Santander
Renfe services this train route

Santander Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Santander
Santander TorrelavegaSantander, 43.327547, -4.042736
Santander Torrelavega SierrapandoSantander, 43.341724, -4.026546
Santander ValdecillaSantander, 43.452716, -3.828554
Santander Nueva MontañaSantander, 43.440128, -3.849529
Santander Torrelavega CentroSantander, 43.350937, -4.051258
SantanderSantander, 43.45778, -3.8122222

Book round-trip train tickets to Santander

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Santander that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 20
9:00 pmValladolid Campo Grande
3h 03m
12:03 amSantander
May 27
4:29 pmSantander
3h 55m
8:24 pmValladolid Campo Grande
May 12
9:52 amValladolid Campo Grande
3h 51m
1:43 pmSantander
May 13
4:29 pmSantander
3h 55m
8:24 pmValladolid Campo Grande
May 12
6:37 pmValladolid Campo Grande
3h 48m
1 stop
10:25 pmSantander
May 13
4:29 pmSantander
3h 55m
8:24 pmValladolid Campo Grande
May 20
6:37 pmValladolid Campo Grande
3h 48m
1 stop
10:25 pmSantander
May 27
9:20 amSantander
4h 00m
1:20 pmValladolid Campo Grande
May 20
7:05 amValladolid Universidad
6h 38m
1 stop
1:43 pmSantander
May 27
9:20 amSantander
3h 54m
1:14 pmValladolid Universidad
May 12
7:23 amValladolid Universidad
6h 20m
1 stop
1:43 pmSantander
May 13
4:29 pmSantander
3h 48m
8:17 pmValladolid Universidad

Book one-way train tickets to Santander

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Santander found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
May 21
7:45 amMadrid Chamartín
4h 05m
11:50 amSantander
May 21
5:32 pmMadrid Chamartín
4h 53m
1 stop
10:25 pmSantander
May 20
7:45 amMadrid Chamartín
4h 05m
11:50 amSantander
May 4
7:50 pmMadrid Chamartín
4h 13m
12:03 amSantander
May 4
7:50 pmMadrid Chamartín
4h 13m
12:03 amSantander
May 20
5:32 pmMadrid Chamartín
4h 53m
1 stop
10:25 pmSantander

FAQs for booking trains to Santander

How much is a train ticket to Santander?

Train tickets from Madrid to Santander tend to start from around $70, while you can usually find tickets from Alicante to Santander from $175 and Valladolid to Santander from $64. These were some of the lowest prices from the most popular departure points to Santander.

What is the main train station in Santander?

You’ll find most people utilize Torrelavega in Santander. It’s one of the busiest and most populated stations in the area. You can find train arrivals and departures at Torrelavega from and to several major nearby cities such as Madrid, Alicante, and Valladolid.

What train companies go to Santander?

Santander is serviced by some of the leading train companies. Keep in mind that your options may vary by the city you’re departing from. Many travelers on our site have booked Renfe to get to Santander.

How far in advance should I book a train to Santander?

You can catch a one-way train to Santander for $35 on average this week. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. It’s generally a good idea to book early to make sure you can get on the train for the correct departure time.

How far is the center of Santander from Torrelavega, Torrelavega Sierrapando and Santander Valdecilla stations?

The center of Santander is 13.0 mi away from Torrelavega station, 11.8 mi from Torrelavega Sierrapando station, and 1.8 mi from Santander Valdecilla station.

How far is Torrelavega from Sardinero and Santander Ferry Port?

Santander’s most popular landmarks are Sardinero and Santander Ferry Port, which are 16.6 mi and 14.9 mi from Torrelavega, respectively.

Popular train routes to Santander

Most frequently searched train routes to Santander, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Santander from Madrid
Fastest travel time4h 07m
Cheapest price$70

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