From $10
Train - Operated by RenfeFrom $10
Train - Operated by RenfeFrom $10
Train - Operated by RenfeFrom $10
Train - Operated by RenfeFrom $10
Train - Operated by RenfeFrom $10
Train - Operated by RenfeROUND-TRIP FROM | $10 |
POPULAR STATION | Valencia Joaquín Sorolla |
The average price you’ll pay to travel by train to Valencia will be determined by where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from Madrid the lowest ticket price is usually about $27, from Barcelona it’s about $50 and from Seville it’s around $56.
The main station in Valencia is Valencia Joaquín Sorolla. At Valencia Joaquín Sorolla, you can find a number of trains offering service to other major cities. Some common major cities you can get to by train from Valencia Joaquín Sorolla are Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville.
Renfe, SNCF, and Train are some of the top choices made by momondo users traveling to Valencia.
This week, the average one-way price to Valencia is $10. For the next 3 months, we predict the price of tickets to Valencia to remain steady. Seats may fill unexpectedly, so book when you can to secure your seat.
The center of Valencia is 5.7 mi away from Valencia Joaquín Sorolla station, 5.8 mi from Valencia Estació del Nord station, and 7.9 mi from Valencia Cabanyal station.
You will need to travel 1.7 mi to get from Valencia Joaquín Sorolla to Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, 0.6 mi to get from Valencia Joaquín Sorolla to Valencia City Centre, and 3.4 mi to get from Valencia Joaquín Sorolla to Malvarrosa Beach.