
Find buses from Gothenburg to Stockholm

Search for cheap bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm and book your trip in minutes.

Feb 18 — Feb 251
1 adult
Tue 2/18

Best deals for bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm

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With transfers
8h 05m
With transfers
7h 55m
With transfers
7h 55m
With transfers
7h 55m
With transfers
8h 05m
With transfers
8h 05m

Gothenburg to Stockholm bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Gothenburg to Stockholm

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

7h 05m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm found within the last 3 days start at $29 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $14. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Gothenburg to Stockholm is 7h 05m
FlixBus and Vy Bus service this route

Gothenburg Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Gothenburg
Gothenburg KorsvägenGothenburg, 57.696224, 11.98702
Gothenburg Central Bus Station Nils EricsonGothenburg, 57.715973, 11.983611
Gothenburg OperanGothenburg, 57.71051, 11.96382

Stockholm Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Stockholm
Stockholm Viking LineStockholm, 59.315964, 18.096338
Stockholm SkansenStockholm, 59.32412, 18.101776
Stockholm VärtahamnenStockholm, 59.35011, 18.107327
Stockholm KarlbergsvägenStockholm, 59.342175, 18.037127
Stockholm S:t EriksplanStockholm, 59.33933, 18.039604
Stockholm Norra StationsgatanStockholm, 59.348583, 18.041117

Book round-trip bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Feb 22
12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 24
10:10 amStockholm Liljeholmen
8h 30m
1 stop
6:40 pmGothenburg Central
Feb 20
12:30 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
7h 55m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 27
10:10 amStockholm Liljeholmen
8h 25m
1 stop
6:35 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
Feb 22
12:30 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
7h 55m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 24
10:10 amStockholm Liljeholmen
8h 25m
1 stop
6:35 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
Feb 20
12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 27
10:10 amStockholm Liljeholmen
8h 30m
1 stop
6:40 pmGothenburg Central
Feb 20
9:40 amGothenburg Korsvägen
7h 50m
5:30 pmStockholm Central
Feb 27
7:30 amStockholm Central
7h 55m
3:25 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
Feb 20
12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 21
10:10 amStockholm Liljeholmen
8h 30m
1 stop
6:40 pmGothenburg Central

Book one-way bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Feb 24
12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 24
12:30 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
7h 55m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 20
12:30 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
7h 55m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 22
12:30 pmGothenburg Korsvägen
7h 55m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 20
12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 22
12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Gothenburg to Stockholm

What are the amenities offered on the buses travelling from Gothenburg to Stockholm?

For a bus travelling for 6h or more, facilities in the bus determine how comfortably you travel. When travelling with the Vy Bus4You, there are toilets on board, free Wi-Fi with unlimited surfing, and working power sockets. The buses are also equipped with air conditioning to protect the passengers from extreme temperatures. It's important to note that, when it’s peak season, the bus may hire other buses with limited transportation amenities. If you are using Flexibus, expect amenities such as free Wi-Fi, affordable snacks, adequate legroom and enough power outlets.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Gothenburg to Stockholm?

The most important thing is your ticket; ensure you have it with you. If you booked your ticket using the momondo app, you must present your mobile ticket reference number. Ensure that your name on the ticket is the same as your identification cards, as you are not allowed to travel using another person's ticket. Remember to carry everything you need to avoid rushing home; the bus might leave before you return, and the next bus may be fully booked. You will also need to carry your phone and laptop charging cables as power sockets are available onboard. The journey to Stockholm from Gothenburg is long; you can download a movie to keep you entertained or carry a novel.

Which bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Gothenburg to Stockholm?

Your departure bus station is the Gothenburg (Korsvägen) bus station. It is located near from the city center. You can choose to walk to the station, which will take you at least 4 minutes or hire a taxi if you are travelling with a kid or luggage. You may also buy something to eat before you travel as you wait on the lounge for your bus to arrive. Your arrival station is the Cityterminalen, near the city center. The bus stop has hotels nearby that you can book earlier for your stay in the city. If you wish to travel to the municipal center, you can walk or take a cab. Other facilities within the station are ATMs and restaurants.

How many buses travel from Gothenburg to Stockholm each day?

Three buses leave for Stockholm from Gothenburg each day. Two are direct buses while one is a layover bus. The Flexibus and the Vy Bus4You are the primary bus providers in the route. Choose the bus for your travel depending on when you plan to arrive at your destination. The buses travelling this route are few, so you should consider booking earlier. If you plan to arrive in Stockholm early in the morning, consider booking the earliest bus. The time of departure may also vary. You should check on the exact departure time as indicated on your ticket; remember to arrive at least 45 minutes earlier than your departure time because sometimes you may realize that you left an essential item in the house and rush back to pick it. Also, arriving at the station earlier allows you to settle before your journey begins.

Can I bring a pet on board when travelling from Gothenburg to Stockholm?

When using the Vy Bus4You bus for Gothenburg to Stockholm or within Sweden, you can carry a small pet with you. However, you are required to put your pet in a meshed cage. Also, you are required to pay for a seat next to your seat for your pet. Ensure to book with momondo to get empty seats next to each other. You will also need to present a pet ownership certificate before boarding the bus. If you are using a guide dog for any form of disability, you do not need to pay for the pet as you travel. Flexibus does not allow pets on board, except for service pets such as guide dogs. You may want to leave your pet with someone to look after it as you travel.

How much does a bus ticket from Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm cost?

Using momondo to find bus tickets from Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm, our users have found prices starting from $14 one-way for this week. For this month, the average price of a ticket for this bus ride is $15 one-way. When you’re booking buses from Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm, expect the price to fluctuate depending on when you book.

How long is the bus ride from Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm?

The quickest bus available from Gothenburg Landvetter will take 7h 05m to arrive in Stockholm. Take the Vy Bus bus from Gothenburg Landvetter and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm?

The cost of a bus from Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm is about $15 one-way this week. Our data shows that prices are fairly stable throughout the next 3 months. You can book now to make sure your seat is secured.

Which bus companies operate between Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm?

Some of the buses offering service from Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm are FlixBus and Vy Bus. FlixBus has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at $29 round-trip.

How far is Gothenburg Landvetter to Stockholm by bus?

Gothenburg Landvetter and Stockholm are 246.4 mi apart from one another. The actual distance traveled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often. The bus journey is around 7h 05m long.

FlixBus buses from Gothenburg to Stockholm

Our best FlixBus deals on Gothenburg to Stockholm bus tickets
Feb 22
XWL12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
41G8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 24
41G10:10 amStockholm Liljeholmen
8h 30m
1 stop
XWL6:40 pmGothenburg Central
Feb 20
XWL12:20 pmGothenburg Central
8h 05m
1 stop
41G8:25 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Feb 27
41G10:10 amStockholm Liljeholmen
8h 30m
1 stop
XWL6:40 pmGothenburg Central
Feb 20
FQ39:40 amGothenburg Korsvägen
7h 50m
XEV5:30 pmStockholm Central
Feb 27
XEV7:30 amStockholm Central
7h 55m
FQ33:25 pmGothenburg Korsvägen

More bus options to Stockholm

Besides Gothenburg there are other cities with transportation to Stockholm. See below for more options.
Buses to Stockholm from Copenhagen
Fastest travel time9h 35m
Cheapest price$80
Buses to Stockholm from Örebro
Fastest travel time2h 40m
Cheapest price$206
Buses to Stockholm from Malmö
Fastest travel time8h 20m
Cheapest price$82

Other popular bus routes from Gothenburg

Change your mind about taking a bus to Stockholm? Below are other buses from Gothenburg that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Gothenburg to Copenhagen
Fastest travel time4h 15m
Cheapest price$93
Buses from Gothenburg to Oslo
Fastest travel time3h 25m
Cheapest price$37
Buses from Gothenburg to Malmö
Fastest travel time3h 10m
Cheapest price$85

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