Find buses from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport

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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for bus tickets from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
3h 45m
With transfers
3h 45m
With transfers
3h 45m
With transfers
3h 35m
With transfers
3h 35m
Vy Bus
With transfers
3h 30m
Vy Bus

Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

3h 40m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport found within the last 3 days start at $29 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $14. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport is 3h 40m
FlixBus, Vy Bus and Vy service this route

Gothenburg Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Gothenburg
Gothenburg KorsvägenGothenburg, 57.696224, 11.98702
Gothenburg Central Bus Station Nils EricsonGothenburg, 57.715973, 11.983611
Gothenburg OperanGothenburg, 57.71051, 11.96382

Oslo Gardermoen Airport Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Oslo Gardermoen Airport
Oslo OsloOslo, 59.90318, 10.7431
Oslo Dfds TerminalenOslo, 59.90369, 10.743609
Oslo OsloOslo, 59.91302, 10.79996
Oslo Oslo VippetangenOslo, 59.9033, 10.7409
Oslo OsloOslo, 59.93803, 10.89182
Oslo Sarpsborg SarpsborgOslo, 59.29265, 11.08325

Book round-trip bus tickets from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Apr 24
7:00 amGothenburg Central
3h 45m
10:45 amOslo Central Station
May 1
9:15 pmOslo Central Station
3h 45m
1:00 amGothenburg Central
Apr 25
3:10 amGothenburg Central
3h 35m
6:45 amOslo Central Station
Apr 29
12:10 pmOslo Central Station
3h 50m
4:00 pmGothenburg Central
Apr 26
5:15 amGothenburg Central
3h 40m
8:55 amOslo Central Station
Apr 29
5:40 pmOslo Central Station
3h 35m
9:15 pmGothenburg Central
Jul 2
7:00 amGothenburg Central
3h 45m
10:45 amOslo Central Station
Jul 7
8:10 amOslo Central Station
3h 35m
11:45 amGothenburg Central
Jul 1
3:10 amGothenburg Central
3h 35m
6:45 amOslo Central Station
Jul 7
9:15 pmOslo Central Station
3h 45m
1:00 amGothenburg Central
FlixBus, Vy Bus
Apr 23
2:25 amGothenburg Central
3h 30m
5:55 amOslo Central Station
May 1
9:15 pmOslo Central Station
3h 45m
1:00 amGothenburg Central

Book one-way bus tickets from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Gothenburg to Oslo Gardermoen Airport we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Apr 27
12:15 pmGothenburg Central
3h 45m
4:00 pmOslo Central Station
Apr 28
7:00 amGothenburg Central
3h 45m
10:45 amOslo Central Station
Apr 28
7:00 amGothenburg Central
3h 45m
10:45 amOslo Central Station
Apr 27
3:10 amGothenburg Central
3h 35m
6:45 amOslo Central Station
Apr 27
3:10 amGothenburg Central
3h 35m
6:45 amOslo Central Station
Vy Bus
May 23
4:50 pmGothenburg Central
3h 30m
8:20 pmOslo Central Station

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Gothenburg to Oslo

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Gothenburg to Oslo?

When you take a bus from Gothenburg to Oslo, you will be allowed to bring a certain amount of luggage with you on your journey. Both Vy and Flixbus, which are two of the main transportation companies that service buses to Oslo from Gothenburg, allow their passengers to bring up to two items of luggage with them on their trip. These pieces of luggage can be placed in the storage area at the bottom of the bus. In addition to these items, passengers also have the right to bring however much hand luggage they would like, as long as it can be easily placed either below their seat or put inside of the overhead storage area inside of the bus. If your hand luggage does not fit in these spaces, it will count as one of the luggage items that is placed in the bus’s storage compartment.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when traveling from Gothenburg to Oslo?

Gothenburg to Oslo buses will typically depart from Gothenburg Central Station. Gothenburg Central Station is the main railway station in the entire country of Sweden and can be found almost directly in the city center. There are a few public bus lines near here that can be used to the station from other parts of the city, including 100, 101, and 300. When you purchase a bus ticket from Gothenburg to Oslo, you will eventually arrive at Oslo Central Station, which is the largest and busiest station in the country of Norway. This station is also placed in the city center and is next to public tram lines 11, 12, and 17, which can be used to then travel to other parts of the city.

When does the first and last bus depart from Gothenburg to Oslo?

Buses from Gothenburg to Oslo typically start running early in the morning and finish running during the evening. The regular length of this trip is around 3h 30min. On average, travelers will find that the first bus of the day typically departs at approximately 2:30 a.m., arriving in Oslo at around 6:00 a.m. The final bus of the day will normally leave at around 6:10 p.m., with the arrival time in Oslo being approximately 9:50 p.m. While the timetable for this journey can vary depending on the specific day, you will find that the first and last daily journeys are typically around the same time.

What amenities are offered on buses traveling from Gothenburg to Oslo?

Travelers on buses from Gothenburg to Oslo will normally have access to a selection of basic amenities if they will be traveling with either Vy or Flixbus. For example, both of these bus companies provide passengers with comfortable seats that recline and have plenty of legroom. Most buses will also typically have free Wi-Fi that can be used for the duration of your journey. On some buses, you may have access to an entertainment system that allows you to enjoy a selection of movies, television shows, games, and news programs. There are also outlets that can be used to keep all of your electronic devices charged for the duration of your trip.

How many buses are there from Gothenburg to Oslo each day?

The number of buses that travel between Gothenburg and Oslo often will vary depending on the specific day. However, in general, you can expect for there to be around 15 to 20 trips to choose from. This means that there are approximately one or two buses between these cities that depart every hour.

How much does a bus ticket from Gothenburg Landvetter to Oslo Gardermoen cost?

Using momondo to find bus tickets from Gothenburg Landvetter to Oslo Gardermoen, our users have found prices starting from $14 one-way for this week.

How long is the bus ride from Gothenburg Landvetter to Oslo Gardermoen?

The quickest bus available from Gothenburg Landvetter will take 3h 25m to arrive in Oslo Gardermoen. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 15m. This largely depends on whether your bus ride includes stops or is a direct route from Gothenburg Landvetter to Oslo Gardermoen. Consider Vy for the quickest available option to your destination.

Which bus companies operate between Gothenburg Landvetter to Oslo Gardermoen?

Some of the buses offering service from Gothenburg Landvetter to Oslo Gardermoen include FlixBus, Vy Bus, and Vy. FlixBus has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at $29 round-trip.

How far is Gothenburg Landvetter to Oslo Gardermoen by bus?

Gothenburg Landvetter and Oslo Gardermoen are 174.5 mi apart from one another. The actual distance traveled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often. The bus takes 3h 25m, normally.

FlixBus buses from Gothenburg to Oslo

Our best FlixBus deals on Gothenburg to Oslo bus tickets
Apr 24
XWL7:00 amGothenburg Central
3h 45m
XZO10:45 amOslo Central Station
May 1
XZO9:15 pmOslo Central Station
3h 45m
XWL1:00 amGothenburg Central
Apr 25
XWL3:10 amGothenburg Central
3h 35m
XZO6:45 amOslo Central Station
Apr 29
XZO12:10 pmOslo Central Station
3h 50m
XWL4:00 pmGothenburg Central
Jul 2
XWL7:00 amGothenburg Central
3h 45m
XZO10:45 amOslo Central Station
Jul 7
XZO8:10 amOslo Central Station
3h 35m
XWL11:45 amGothenburg Central

Vy Bus buses from Gothenburg to Oslo

Our best Vy Bus deals on Gothenburg to Oslo bus tickets
Vy Bus
May 19
XWL2:25 amGothenburg Central
3h 30m
XZO5:55 amOslo Central Station
May 24
XZO10:00 amOslo Central Station
3h 25m
XWL1:25 pmGothenburg Central
Vy Bus
May 18
XWL2:25 amGothenburg Central
3h 30m
XZO5:55 amOslo Central Station
May 27
XZO12:00 pmOslo Central Station
3h 35m
XWL3:35 pmGothenburg Central
Vy Bus
May 11
XWL2:25 amGothenburg Central
3h 30m
XZO5:55 amOslo Central Station
May 16
XZO10:00 amOslo Central Station
3h 25m
XWL1:25 pmGothenburg Central

Other popular bus routes from Gothenburg

Change your mind about taking a bus to Oslo? Below are other buses from Gothenburg that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Gothenburg to Malmö
Fastest travel time3h 10m
Cheapest price$44
Buses from Gothenburg to Stockholm
Fastest travel time3h 20m
Cheapest price$41
Buses from Gothenburg to Copenhagen
Fastest travel time4h 55m
Cheapest price$42

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