
Find buses from Copenhagen to Stockholm

Search for cheap bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm and book your trip in minutes.

Dec 10 — Dec 171
1 adult
Tue 12/10

Best deals for bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
10h 10m
With transfers
18h 52m
With transfers
18h 52m
With transfers
10h 10m
With transfers
10h 10m
With transfers
18h 52m

Copenhagen to Stockholm bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Copenhagen to Stockholm

Round-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

10h 02m

Popular bus line

Bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm found within the last 3 days start at $52 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at $29. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Copenhagen to Stockholm is 10h 02m
FlixBus services this route

Cheapest buses to Stockholm

Copenhagen Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Copenhagen
Copenhagen Grenaa FærgevejCopenhagen, 56.408245, 10.925392
Copenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminalCopenhagen, 55.66452, 12.560921
Copenhagen Carlsberg St.Copenhagen, 55.663258, 12.537345
Copenhagen Vanloese St.Copenhagen, 55.68715, 12.491679
Copenhagen Danshoej stCopenhagen, 55.664154, 12.493693
Copenhagen IndiakajCopenhagen, 55.69419, 12.599281

Stockholm Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Stockholm
Stockholm Viking LineStockholm, 59.315964, 18.096338
Stockholm SkansenStockholm, 59.32412, 18.101776
Stockholm VärtahamnenStockholm, 59.35011, 18.107327
Stockholm KarlbergsvägenStockholm, 59.342175, 18.037127
Stockholm S:t EriksplanStockholm, 59.33933, 18.039604
Stockholm Norra StationsgatanStockholm, 59.348583, 18.041117

Book round-trip bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
10h 10m
8:40 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Dec 12
9:10 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
12h 10m
1 stop
9:20 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
18h 52m
2 stops
5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
Dec 14
9:33 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
11h 37m
1 stop
9:10 pmCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
18h 52m
2 stops
5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
Dec 12
11:33 pmStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
20h 32m
2 stops
8:05 pmCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro
10h 10m
8:40 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Dec 14
9:10 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
12h 10m
1 stop
9:20 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
18h 52m
2 stops
5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
Dec 14
9:33 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
11h 37m
1 stop
9:10 pmCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro
18h 52m
2 stops
5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
Dec 14
9:33 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
11h 37m
1 stop
9:10 pmCopenhagen Dybbølsbro

Book one-way bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro
10h 10m
8:40 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
18h 52m
2 stops
5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
18h 52m
2 stops
5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
10h 10m
8:40 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
10h 10m
8:40 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Dec 11
10:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro
18h 52m
2 stops
5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Copenhagen to Stockholm

How much does a bus ticket from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm cost?

You can purchase a ticket from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm within the week and expect to pay $29 or more one-way. At $32 on average, one-way bus tickets from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm are best booked early to save more on your trip.

How long is the bus ride from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm?

The most time-efficient journey by bus from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm currently available is 9h 35m. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the bus you book. Look for nonstop options when searching if possible. Consider FlixBus for the quickest available option to your destination.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm?

The cost of booking a bus from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm is around $32 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which bus companies operate between Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm?

One bus offering service from Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm is FlixBus. FlixBus has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at $52 round-trip.

How far is Kastrup Copenhagen to Stockholm by bus?

While Stockholm is 323.4 mi from Kastrup Copenhagen, the distance by bus is longer and depends on the route taken. Most buses from Kastrup Copenhagen going to Stockholm will get there in around 9h 35m - but this can get longer during peak traffic times.

FlixBus buses from Copenhagen to Stockholm

Our best FlixBus deals on Copenhagen to Stockholm bus tickets
Dec 11
DK314789510:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
10h 10m
41G8:40 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Dec 12
41G9:10 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
12h 10m
1 stop
DK31478959:20 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
Dec 11
DK314789510:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
18h 52m
2 stops
64B5:22 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
Dec 14
64B9:33 amStockholm Norra Stationsgatan
11h 37m
1 stop
DK31478959:10 pmCopenhagen Dybbølsbro fjernbussterminal
Dec 12
DK314787910:30 amCopenhagen Dybbølsbro
10h 10m
41G8:40 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
Dec 12
41G11:10 pmStockholm Liljeholmen
14h 10m
1 stop
DK31478791:20 pmCopenhagen Dybbølsbro

More bus options to Stockholm

Besides Copenhagen there are other cities with transportation to Stockholm. See below for more options.
Buses to Stockholm from Örebro
Fastest travel time2h 40m
Cheapest price$206
Buses to Stockholm from Gothenburg
Fastest travel time7h 05m
Cheapest price$147
Buses to Stockholm from Malmö
Fastest travel time8h 20m
Cheapest price$82

Other popular bus routes from Copenhagen

Change your mind about taking a bus to Stockholm? Below are other buses from Copenhagen that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Copenhagen to Aalborg
Fastest travel time4h 55m
Cheapest price$36

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