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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for train tickets to Salzburg

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With transfers
1h 12m
With transfers
1h 08m
With transfers
1h 33m
With transfers
1h 23m
With transfers
3h 59m
With transfers
6h 14m

Salzburg train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Salzburg








The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Salzburg is from Innsbruck, starting at $38. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Salzburg is from Munich, starting at $21. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Strasswalchen is one of the most popular stations in Salzburg
ÖBB, Westbahn, and České dráhy also service this route

Salzburg Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Salzburg
Salzburg StrasswalchenSalzburg, 47.972084, 13.264475
Salzburg Strasswalchen Steindorf b.Straßwalchen BahnhofSalzburg, 47.96673, 13.239068
Salzburg SüdSalzburg, 47.77024, 13.078421
Salzburg TaxhamSalzburg, 47.81631, 13.010384
Salzburg AiglhofSalzburg, 47.807823, 13.026726
Salzburg Mülln-AltstadtSalzburg, 47.8084, 13.034178

Book round-trip train tickets to Salzburg

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Salzburg that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 11
5:25 amInnsbruck Hauptbahnhof
3h 30m
8:55 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
May 15
5:56 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
1h 48m
7:44 amInnsbruck Hauptbahnhof
Jun 8
11:45 amGraz Hauptbahnhof
3h 59m
3:44 pmSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
Jun 9
6:16 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
3h 58m
10:14 amGraz Hauptbahnhof
Jun 9
5:03 amVienna Hauptbahnhof
2h 41m
7:44 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
Jun 12
5:01 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
2h 31m
7:32 amVienna Hauptbahnhof
Jun 9
6:13 amVienna Hauptbahnhof
4h 13m
1 stop
10:26 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
Jun 12
5:01 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
2h 31m
7:32 amVienna Hauptbahnhof
Jun 8
8:56 amGraz Hauptbahnhof
4h 53m
1 stop
1:49 pmSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
Jun 9
6:16 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
3h 58m
10:14 amGraz Hauptbahnhof
Jun 13
4:55 amVienna Hauptbahnhof
2h 54m
7:49 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
Jun 16
5:11 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
2h 54m
8:05 amVienna Hauptbahnhof

Book one-way train tickets to Salzburg

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Salzburg found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
Jun 17
8:56 pmLinz Hauptbahnhof
1h 12m
10:08 pmSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
Jun 16
12:59 amLinz Hauptbahnhof
1h 08m
2:07 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
May 4
3:48 pmMunich Hauptbahnhof
1h 33m
5:21 pmSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
May 4
11:58 amMunich Ostbahnhof
1h 23m
1:21 pmSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
May 12
5:45 amGraz Hauptbahnhof
3h 59m
9:44 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof
May 3
12:28 amVienna Hauptbahnhof
6h 14m
1 stop
6:42 amSalzburg Hauptbahnhof

FAQs for booking trains to Salzburg

How much is a train ticket to Salzburg W.A. Mozart?

Train tickets from Vienna to Salzburg W.A. Mozart tend to start from around $35, while you can usually find tickets from Munich to Salzburg W.A. Mozart from $88 and Budapest to Salzburg W.A. Mozart from $93. These were some of the lowest prices from the most popular departure points to Salzburg W.A. Mozart.

What is the main train station in Salzburg W.A. Mozart?

You’ll find most people utilize Strasswalchen in Salzburg W.A. Mozart. It’s one of the busiest and most populated stations in the area. You can find train arrivals and departures at Strasswalchen from and to several major nearby cities such as Vienna, Munich, and Budapest.

What train companies go to Salzburg W.A. Mozart?

Most users on momondo will check prices for ÖBB for their ride to Salzburg W.A. Mozart. While ÖBB is the most common choice, you can also search for options from Westbahn and České dráhy, as all 3 train companies can typically get you to Salzburg W.A. Mozart. More options may be available to you, so use our search form to find all available options from your city to Salzburg W.A. Mozart.

How far in advance should I book a train to Salzburg W.A. Mozart?

Ride a one-way train to Salzburg W.A. Mozart for $21 on average this week. We don’t expect any changes in price for the next 3 months. We recommend booking when you can, as seats may be limited.

How far is the center of Salzburg W.A. Mozart from Strasswalchen, Strasswalchen Steindorf b.Straßwalchen Bahnhof and Salzburg Süd stations?

It is 17.2 mi to get from Strasswalchen station to the center of Salzburg W.A. Mozart, 16.2 mi to get from Strasswalchen Steindorf b.Straßwalchen Bahnhof station to the center of Salzburg W.A. Mozart, and 3.8 mi to get from Salzburg Süd station to the center of Salzburg W.A. Mozart.

How far is Strasswalchen from Festung Hohensalzburg, Mozarts Wohnhaus and Salzburgarena?

From Strasswalchen, it’s 15.8 mi to get to Festung Hohensalzburg, 15.5 mi to get to Mozarts Wohnhaus, and 14.9 mi to get to Salzburgarena.

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