
Find trains to Portland, Maine

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May 2 — May 91
1 adult
Thu 5/2

Best deals for train tickets to Portland, Maine

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With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 30m

Portland, Maine train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Portland, Maine








The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Portland, Maine is from Boston, starting at $56. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Portland, Maine is from Boston, starting at $32. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Portland is one of the most popular stations in Portland, Maine
Amtrak services this train route

Portland, Maine Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Portland, Maine
PortlandPortland, 43.6541, -70.29126

Book round-trip train tickets to Portland, Maine

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Portland, Maine that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 23
8:50 amBoston North Station
2h 30m
11:20 amPortland
May 27
5:18 amPortland
2h 32m
7:50 amBoston North Station
May 24
3:45 pmBoston North Station
2h 30m
6:15 pmPortland
May 27
5:18 amPortland
2h 32m
7:50 amBoston North Station
May 8
3:45 pmBoston North Station
2h 30m
6:15 pmPortland
May 10
7:58 amPortland
2h 32m
10:30 amBoston North Station

Book one-way train tickets to Portland, Maine

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Portland, Maine found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
May 5
3:45 pmBoston North Station
2h 30m
6:15 pmPortland
May 3
3:45 pmBoston North Station
2h 30m
6:15 pmPortland
Jun 15
11:50 amBoston North Station
2h 30m
2:20 pmPortland
May 24
8:50 amBoston North Station
2h 30m
11:20 amPortland
Jun 1
10:30 pmBoston North Station
2h 30m
1:00 amPortland

FAQs for booking trains to Portland

Can you store checked baggage at the Portland, ME train station?

When traveling on trains to Portland, ME, it’s helpful to know about luggage options when you arrive. If you have a train ticket, for a nominal fee on each piece of luggage you can store them for 24h at the station. Non-ticket holders will pay a little more, but you can still utilize this service. Assistance is available at the Portland station for moving luggage, as are hand carts. All luggage is covered by a claim ticket, but it’s advised that only train staff move the luggage. Luggage, bicycle, and ski bags and boxes are available for purchase to help protect your items on Portland, ME trains. Before your trip, check to make sure there are boxes available, because they do occasionally run out if traffic is heavy. If you’re bringing a bicycle after booking Portland, ME train tickets, ask about policies and whether it’s possible to bring the bike on board. Bicycles count as luggage and must be stored in two pieces and enclosed in a storage bag.

Are there any non-stop train tickets from Boston to Portland, ME?

For this short New England trip on Portland, ME trains, you’ll be glad to know that all trains offer a direct trip to or from Boston with no connections or stops. Passengers stay on the same train until the destination city, making the journey that much more comfortable. Multiple daily trains depart frequently in the late afternoon and evening. Boston trains to Portland, ME will depart from a Boston station and arrive at the Portland Transportation Center, which is the main train and bus station for Portland, ME. Before you book your trip, make sure you research the times and both the origin and destination train stations. You can also get the momondo app to always have access to the latest travel changes, deals, and discounts.

What documents will I need to travel to Portland, ME by train?

For trains to Portland, ME, it’s a good idea to research what documents you might need before you travel. All passengers 18 and older must have a valid driver’s license that matches the name on their tickets. It’s a good idea to have a second form of ID, such as a passport, insurance card, or military ID card. Purchasing your ticket while on board will require a higher fee, so plan to get your ticket early. You will need identification to make changes to your fare, to store luggage, and to get refunds. The federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines require random ticket checks during the trip, so make certain you have ready access to your ID to present to the train staff. Note that you’ll need a certification document for any therapy animal you bring on the train, which must be signed by the animal’s veterinarian.

Are there interesting sites near the Portland, ME train station?

After booking your Portland, ME train tickets, you’ll be delighted to know that the station is close to the downtown area, and it’s walkable from the train station. After your train ride, you’ll be ready to walk around, and the area is full of restaurants and culture. Congress Street has theaters, art galleries, and shops, so there’s something for everybody to enjoy. The Portland Museum of Art is worth spending a few hours in to see some of the rare art pieces from all over the world. For a historic treat, check out the many tours of downtown Portland, or book a boat ride through the harbor. See Casco Bay Islands by visiting the ferry terminal close to the station, and take the famous mail-boat excursion for a day you’ll never forget.

How much is a train ticket to Portland?

The average price you’ll pay to travel by train to Portland will be determined by where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from Boston, the lowest ticket price is usually about $50.

What is the main train station in Portland?

Portland is best served by Portland. There you’ll find a number of trains that can get you to your destination. A common major city you can get to by train from Portland is Boston.

What train companies go to Portland?

Portland is serviced by some of the leading train companies. Keep in mind that your options may vary by the city you’re departing from. Many travelers on our site have booked Amtrak to get to Portland.

How far in advance should I book a train to Portland?

For $32 one-way on average, you can catch a train ride to Portland. We don’t predict any changes in price within the next 3 months. As seats fill up quickly, we recommend booking when you can so your trip is secured.

How far is the center of Portland from Portland station?

If you are traveling from Portland station to the center of Portland, then the most direct route is 1.0 mi.

How far is Portland from Old Port?

Portland’s most popular landmark is Old Port, which is 1.8 mi from Portland.

Popular train routes to Portland

Most frequently searched train routes to Portland, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Portland from Boston
Fastest travel time2h 30m
Cheapest price$50

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