
Find trains from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Oklahoma City

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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Oklahoma City train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Oklahoma City




4h 02m


The best one-way train deal from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Oklahoma City found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $35
Average time it takes to travel by train from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Oklahoma City
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Dallas/Fort Worth Airport
Dallas Fort WorthDallas, 32.752563, -97.326675
Dallas UnionDallas, 32.776093, -96.807236

Oklahoma City Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Oklahoma City
Oklahoma CityOklahoma City, 35.46549, -97.51275

Book one-way train tickets from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Oklahoma City

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Oklahoma City we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 4
5:25 pmFort Worth
4h 02m
9:27 pmOklahoma City

FAQs for booking trains from Dallas to Oklahoma City

What are the train stations used when traveling from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma?

To travel from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma by train, you'll first need to board a train from Dallas Fort Worth train station to Dallas Union. Once at Dallas Union, you'll easily find a train that travels to Oklahoma. Dallas Union Station is the main train station in Dallas. Hence, at this station, you'll meet lots of travelers. In Oklahoma, you'll alight from your train at Oklahoma City train station. Just like at Dallas Union, you'll also meet lots of travelers at this station. Many cabs are usually parked outside this station in downtown Oklahoma. Hence, to get to your final destination in Oklahoma, you'll easily find a cab to travel in. Both Dallas Union and Oklahoma City have amenities like expansive waiting rooms, accessible restrooms, top-tier restrooms, working payphones, and shops. Thus, at either, you'll be able to rest, use the restroom, grab a meal or drink, contact your loved ones, and shop a bit.

Do Amtrak trains from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma have Wi-Fi?

Onboard a train to Oklahoma from Dallas Fort Worth, you'll be able to get all the latest news. You'll also be able to stream your favorite TV shows. This is because all Amtrak Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma trains have strong Wi-Fi. Aboard an Amtrak train from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma, you'll also be able to sit comfortably, find a spacious compartment to stow your luggage, charge your electronic devices, and use the restroom, as they feature reclining seats with adequate legroom, spacious onboard baggage compartments, power outlets, and well-maintained onboard bathrooms.

What luggage is allowed on Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma trains?

If you choose to travel by train to Oklahoma from Dallas Fort Worth, you'll be allowed to get on board your train with two personal items as well as two carry-on bags. You'll also be allowed to travel with four checked bags, but only two will be free. Your carry-on items will have to be less than 25 lbs, while your bags will have to be less than 50 lbs. Onboard a train to Oklahoma from Dallas Fort Worth, you'll also be allowed to travel with baby items, bicycles, and bicycle trailers, special medical equipment, general sporting equipment, musical equipment, skis and snowboards, surfboards, and wakeboards. However, you'll not be allowed to travel with a firearm, ammunition, and archery equipment, unless you've placed them in a checked bag. Kindly note that for any special baggage, you'll likely incur a small fee.

Do I need a passport to travel from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma by train?

To travel by train to Oklahoma from Dallas Fort, you need valid photo identification. As your valid photo identification, you can use your state or provincial driver's license, military ID, student's ID, passport, or Jobs Corp ID. If you're not an American citizen, you'll need your passport. It's worth mentioning that Amtrak accepts mobile tickets from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma. Thus, if you've got a mobile ticket, you don't have to print it.

Are pets allowed on the train from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma?

If you'd like to travel aboard a train from Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma, you'll be able to do so, as Amtrak allows its passengers to travel with their pets. Kindly note that for you to be allowed to get onboard any of the Amtrak Dallas Fort Worth to Oklahoma trains, you must place it in a pet carrier. Your pet should weigh no more than 20 lbs, and your pet carrier should not exceed 19" long x 14" wide x 10.5" high.

How much does a train ticket from Dallas/Fort Worth to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World cost?

You can purchase a ticket from Dallas/Fort Worth to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World within the week and expect to pay $35 or more one-way.

How long is the train ride from Dallas/Fort Worth to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World?

The fastest journey time from Dallas/Fort Worth to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World is 4h 02m. Amtrak has the quickest available train to your destination.

How far is Dallas/Fort Worth to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World by train?

The straight-line distance from Dallas/Fort Worth to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World is 179.7 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. The train journey is around 4h 02m long.

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