
Find trains from Toronto to Montreal

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May 2 — May 91
1 adult
Thu 5/2

Best deals for train tickets from Toronto to Montreal

Find the right train ticket for you
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
5h 11m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
7h 43m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
5h 01m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
7h 40m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
5h 11m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
7h 43m
VIA Rail Canada

Toronto to Montreal train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Toronto to Montreal






4h 42m


VIA Rail Canada, AccesRail
The best round-trip train deal from Toronto to Montreal found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $79
The best one-way train deal from Toronto to Montreal found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $40
Average time it takes to travel by train from Toronto to Montreal
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: VIA Rail Canada, AccesRail

Toronto Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Toronto
Toronto MaltonToronto, 43.704865, -79.63814
Toronto BloorToronto, 43.6573165161707, -79.45046250793457
Toronto WestonToronto, 43.70008, -79.5129
Toronto KitchenerToronto, 43.455597, -80.49309
Toronto Oshawa StationToronto, 43.870958, -78.884719
Toronto Whitby goToronto, 43.865723, -78.938

Montreal Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Montreal
Montreal DorvalMontreal, 45.448763, -73.741329
Montreal Saint-LambertMontreal, 45.499167, -73.507222
Montreal CentralMontreal, 45.499443, -73.565834

Book round-trip train tickets from Toronto to Montreal

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Toronto to Montreal that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
6:22 pmToronto Guildwood GO
4h 33m
10:55 pmMontreal Central
Jul 8
9:00 amMontreal Central
7h 57m
1 stop
4:57 pmToronto Guildwood GO
VIA Rail Canada
Jun 4
8:32 amToronto Union Station
7h 43m
1 stop
4:15 pmMontreal Central
Jun 4
6:25 pmMontreal Central
5h 08m
11:33 pmToronto Union Station
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 11
6:47 amToronto Union Station
5h 18m
12:05 pmMontreal Central
Jul 18
6:50 amMontreal Central
5h 13m
12:03 pmToronto Union Station
VIA Rail Canada
Jun 5
8:32 amToronto Union Station
7h 43m
1 stop
4:15 pmMontreal Central
Jun 12
5:00 pmMontreal Central
5h 03m
10:03 pmToronto Union Station
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 6
5:02 pmToronto Union Station
5h 11m
10:13 pmMontreal Central
Aug 10
6:50 amMontreal Central
5h 13m
12:03 pmToronto Union Station
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
6:47 amToronto Union Station
5h 18m
12:05 pmMontreal Central
Jul 11
9:00 amMontreal Central
8h 18m
1 stop
5:18 pmToronto Union Station

Book one-way train tickets from Toronto to Montreal

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Toronto to Montreal we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
VIA Rail Canada
Jun 18
5:02 pmToronto Union Station
5h 11m
10:13 pmMontreal Central
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
8:32 amToronto Union Station
7h 43m
1 stop
4:15 pmMontreal Central
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
3:17 pmToronto Union Station
5h 01m
8:18 pmMontreal Central
VIA Rail Canada
Jun 4
12:17 pmToronto Union Station
7h 40m
1 stop
7:57 pmMontreal Central
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
5:02 pmToronto Union Station
5h 11m
10:13 pmMontreal Central
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
8:32 amToronto Union Station
7h 43m
1 stop
4:15 pmMontreal Central

Choose the best way to get from Toronto to Montreal


6h 10m
$46 one-way$110 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1101 stop · from $128

Distance to downtown

YMY0.1 mi

Find Buses

Toronto to Montreal Buses


4h 31m
$40 one-way$79 round-trip
Nonstop · from $791 stop · from $79

Distance to downtown

YMY0.1 mi


1h 13m
$106 one-way$206 round-trip
Nonstop · from $2061 stop · from $219

Distance to downtown

YUL9.4 mi

Find Flights

Toronto to Montreal Flights

FAQs for booking trains from Toronto to Montreal

What train stations are used when traveling from Toronto to Montreal?

Most Toronto to Montreal trains usually use Toronto Union Station as their departure station. It is located close to the south side of downtown Toronto and serves as the primary station for VIA Rail intercity services. These trains from Toronto to Montreal usually arrive at the Montreal Central Station, popularly known as Gare Centrale. There are daily departures from Toronto Union Station to Montreal Central Station, so passengers are assured of securing Toronto to Montreal trains tickets. Additionally, passengers get to choose either direct trains to Montreal from Toronto or those with stops en route.

Do VIA Rail Canada trains from Toronto to Montreal have Wi-Fi?

VIA Rail Canada is the main provider of trains from Toronto to Montreal. It offers daily regular direct trains to Montreal from Toronto and indirect trains. Passengers on VIA Rail Toronto to Montreal trains will enjoy free Wi-Fi service. VIA Rail allows passengers to use Wi-Fi for browsing the internet, social networking, and checking emails. However, passengers should refrain from uploading or downloading large files and streaming videos. Additionally, electrical outlets are adjacent to the seats to help keep your devices running throughout the train ride. While most basic amenities are common in most trains, other amenities vary depending on the class of travel. Economy class treats passengers to spacious adjustable seats with more legroom for maximum comfort. It also offers an onboard minibar, where passengers can buy non-alcoholic drinks or wines and local beers. Business-class passengers get to enjoy ergonomic seats with great lumbar support. The business class seats are specially made for long-distance trips as they offer comfort comparable to those in sports cars. Passengers with these tickets also enjoy priority boarding, onboard meal and drinks services, and access to the Business lounges at the main stations.

What luggage is allowed on Toronto to Montreal trains?

The baggage policies for trains to Montreal from Toronto vary mainly according to the class of travel. VIA Rail allows Economy class travelers to bring one personal item weighing less than 25 lbs and one large item weighing no more than 50 lbs. Alternatively, you can bring two small items, each no more than 25 lbs. These travelers can bring one additional item of up to 50 lbs for a fee. The Business class passengers can bring one personal item of up to 25 lbs and two large items. The latter should each weigh no more than 50 lbs. Passengers with Sleeper Plus or Prestige can have one personal item plus two small items per cabin. Each item should not be more than 25 lbs. However, no additional carry-on items are allowed for this class. Martial arts and self-defense items, household items, firearms, sharp objects, camping equipment, oversized boxes, bicycles, explosives, and flammable liquids are prohibited carry-on baggage. However, they can be transported on trains with check-in service.

What stops are along the train from Toronto to Montreal?

VIA Rail Canada runs several direct trains to Montreal from Toronto. However, most trains operating this route have at least two or more stops along the way. The indirect trains from Toronto to Montreal usually stop at Canada's capital, Ottawa. Other common stops on this route include Guildwood, Belleville, Kingston, Fallowfield, and Cornwall.

Are pets allowed on the train from Toronto to Montreal?

VIA Rail allows passengers to bring their cats and dogs on the train from Toronto to Montreal. However, passengers should uphold some rules. Firstly, a maximum of one pet is permitted per passenger. The pet should also be at least three months old and fully weaned. The total weight of the pet and its carrier should not be more than 22 lbs. Lastly, the pet must be in a closed pet carrier and kept close to the pet owner throughout the train ride.

How long is the train ride from Toronto to Montreal?

It takes 4h 11m to get from Toronto to Montreal by train. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 31m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. AccesRail has the quickest available train to your destination.

Which train companies operate between Toronto to Montreal?

There are many trains traveling between Toronto and Montreal which are VIA Rail Canada and AccesRail. The cheapest VIA Rail Canada is what we have recently available with prices starting at $79 round-trip.

How far is Toronto to Montreal by train?

There are 313.2 mi between Toronto and Montreal. By train, the distance is greater, and the train route may stop elsewhere along the way. The train usually takes 4h 11m in normal conditions.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Toronto to Montreal?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from Toronto to Montreal, doing so can potentially save up to 4h 57m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from Toronto to Montreal or a bus from Toronto to Montreal may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Toronto to Montreal?

A train from Toronto to Montreal from $79 can save you up to 61% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from Toronto to Montreal or a bus from Toronto to Montreal.

VIA Rail Canada trains from Toronto to Montreal

Our best VIA Rail Canada deals on Toronto to Montreal train tickets
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
XLQ6:22 pmToronto Guildwood GO
4h 33m
YMY10:55 pmMontreal Central
Jul 8
YMY9:00 amMontreal Central
7h 57m
1 stop
XLQ4:57 pmToronto Guildwood GO
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 3
XLQ12:37 pmToronto Guildwood GO
7h 20m
1 stop
YMY7:57 pmMontreal Central
Jul 9
YMY8:50 amMontreal Central
5h 09m
XLQ1:59 pmToronto Guildwood GO
VIA Rail Canada
May 15
XLQ8:52 amToronto Guildwood GO
7h 23m
1 stop
YMY4:15 pmMontreal Central
May 22
YMY5:00 pmMontreal Central
4h 43m
XLQ9:43 pmToronto Guildwood GO

Popular train routes to Montreal

Most frequently searched train routes to Montreal, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Montreal from New York
Fastest travel time11h 23m
Cheapest price$122
Trains to Montreal from Ottawa
Fastest travel time1h 40m
Cheapest price$80
Trains to Montreal from Halifax
Fastest travel time21h 34m
Cheapest price$237

Other train routes from Toronto

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Toronto to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Toronto to Ottawa
Fastest travel time3h 35m
Cheapest price$81

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