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Apr 30 — May 71
1 adult
Tue 4/30

Best deals for train tickets to Saint-Étienne

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With transfers
2h 56m
With transfers
2h 56m
With transfers
3h 10m
With transfers
3h 30m

Saint-Étienne train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Saint-Étienne






Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux


The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Saint-Étienne is from Clermont-Ferrand, starting at $56. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Saint-Étienne is from Chessy, starting at $48. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux is one of the most popular stations in Saint-Étienne
SNCF, Trenitalia, and Eurostar also service this route

Saint-Étienne Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Saint-Étienne
Saint-Étienne La TerrasseSaint-Étienne, 45.464836, 4.379567
Saint-Étienne ChâteaucreuxSaint-Étienne, 45.44344158024237, 4.399488003198161

Book round-trip train tickets to Saint-Étienne

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Saint-Étienne that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Jun 4
7:13 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
2h 57m
1 stop
10:10 amSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
Jun 5
7:34 amSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
3h 31m
1 stop
11:05 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
Jun 4
12:52 pmParis Austerlitz
2h 56m
3:48 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
Jun 5
12:12 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
2h 48m
3:00 pmParis Austerlitz
Jun 4
12:26 pmParis Austerlitz
3h 14m
1 stop
3:40 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
Jun 5
12:12 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
2h 48m
3:00 pmParis Austerlitz
May 15
6:26 amNantes
7h 44m
1 stop
2:10 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
May 16
2:04 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
8h 01m
1 stop
10:05 pmNantes
May 8
8:56 pmChessy Marne-la-Vallée
3h 14m
1 stop
12:10 amSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
May 11
7:20 amSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
3h 45m
1 stop
11:05 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
May 3
11:40 amNantes
8h 16m
1 stop
7:56 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
Jun 1
2:04 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
8h 01m
1 stop
10:05 pmNantes

Book one-way train tickets to Saint-Étienne

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Saint-Étienne found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
May 27
8:14 pmChessy Marne-la-Vallée
2h 56m
1 stop
11:10 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
May 27
12:52 pmParis Gare de Lyon
2h 56m
3:48 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
May 27
3:00 pmParis Gare de Lyon
3h 10m
1 stop
6:10 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux
May 27
3:26 pmMassy Palaiseau
3h 30m
1 stop
6:56 pmSaint-Étienne Châteaucreux

FAQs for booking trains to Saint-Étienne

What is the main train station in Saint-Étienne Boutheon?

The main station in Saint-Étienne Boutheon is Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux. At Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux, you can find a number of trains offering service to other major cities.

What train companies go to Saint-Étienne Boutheon?

Some of the options we’ve found for trains to Saint-Étienne Boutheon are SNCF, Trenitalia, and Eurostar. Typically, your options for trains to Saint-Étienne Boutheon will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a train to Saint-Étienne Boutheon?

This week, the average one-way price to Saint-Étienne Boutheon is $56. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. Search availability for a train to Saint-Étienne Boutheon from your area and be on your way in no time.

How far is the center of Saint-Étienne Boutheon from Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux and Saint-Étienne La Terrasse stations?

If you are traveling from Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux station or Saint-Étienne La Terrasse station to the center of Saint-Étienne Boutheon, then the most direct route is 8.4 mi and 6.6 mi, respectively.

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