POPULAR STATION | Peoria Bradley University Student Ctr - 915 Elmwood Ave |
Train tickets from Bloomington to Greater Peoria usually start from around $253. Generally, the lowest price will be determined by your location.
The main station in Greater Peoria is Peoria Bradley University Student Ctr - 915 Elmwood Ave. At Peoria Bradley University Student Ctr - 915 Elmwood Ave, you can find a number of trains offering service to other major cities. A major city accessible by train from Peoria Bradley University Student Ctr - 915 Elmwood Ave is Bloomington.
The distance to the center of Greater Peoria from Peoria Bradley University Student Ctr - 915 Elmwood Ave station is 5.0 mi.
Greater Peoria's Peoria Bradley University Student Ctr - 915 Elmwood Ave is 0.1 mi from Bradley University.