
Find trains from Eugene to Seattle

Search for cheap train tickets from Eugene to Seattle and book your trip in minutes.

May 1 — May 81
1 adult
Wed 5/1

Best deals for train tickets from Eugene to Seattle

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With transfers
6h 20m
With transfers
6h 20m

Eugene Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Eugene
EugeneEugene, 44.055042, -123.09236

Book round-trip train tickets from Eugene to Seattle

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Eugene to Seattle that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 17
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 19
7:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
1:48 pmEugene
May 17
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 19
7:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
1:48 pmEugene
May 18
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 20
7:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
1:48 pmEugene
May 17
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 19
7:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
1:48 pmEugene
May 23
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 26
7:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
1:48 pmEugene
May 10
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 12
7:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
1:48 pmEugene

Book one-way train tickets from Eugene to Seattle

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Eugene to Seattle we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
May 17
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 12
4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
10:50 pmSeattle King Street Station

FAQs for booking trains from Eugene to Seattle

How far is Eugene to Seattle King County/Boeing by train?

A train from Eugene to Seattle King County/Boeing will travel much more than the 248.5 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, and stops along the way.

Amtrak trains from Eugene to Seattle

Our best Amtrak deals on Eugene to Seattle train tickets
May 17
9UG4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
EA910:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 19
EA97:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
9UG1:48 pmEugene
May 10
9UG4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
EA910:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 12
EA97:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
9UG1:48 pmEugene
May 1
9UG4:30 pmEugene
6h 20m
EA910:50 pmSeattle King Street Station
May 3
EA97:08 amSeattle King Street Station
6h 40m
9UG1:48 pmEugene

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