Find trains from Denver to Grand Junction

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Apr 29 — May 61
1 adult
Mon 4/29

Best deals for train tickets from Denver to Grand Junction

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With transfers
7h 44m
With transfers
7h 44m
With transfers
7h 44m
With transfers
7h 44m
With transfers
7h 44m
With transfers
7h 44m

Denver to Grand Junction train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Denver to Grand Junction






7h 52m


The best round-trip train deal from Denver to Grand Junction found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $152
The best one-way train deal from Denver to Grand Junction found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $47
Average time it takes to travel by train from Denver to Grand Junction
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Denver Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Denver
Denver BusDenver, 39.750404, -104.99151
Denver UnionDenver, 39.753194, -105.000229

Grand Junction Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Grand Junction
Grand JunctionGrand Junction, 39.064377, -108.56993

Book round-trip train tickets from Denver to Grand Junction

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Denver to Grand Junction that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 19
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 21
9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
6:27 pmDenver Union
Apr 29
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 6
9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
6:27 pmDenver Union
Apr 29
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 6
9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
6:27 pmDenver Union
Apr 29
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 3
9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
6:27 pmDenver Union
May 17
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 19
9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
6:27 pmDenver Union
Apr 29
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 3
9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
6:27 pmDenver Union

Book one-way train tickets from Denver to Grand Junction

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Denver to Grand Junction we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Aug 15
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 15
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 21
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 2
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 22
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 9
8:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
4:30 pmGrand Junction

FAQs for booking trains from Denver to Grand Junction

What is there to see along the train ride from Denver to Grand Junction?

Sit back and relax as you enjoy one of the most scenic train rides in the country on the Amtrak California Zephyr train. The train ride takes approximately eight hours, most of which will be enjoyed with the breathtaking views of the mountains, canyons, and the Colorado river which you will be able to see beside you as you travel. Most of the sights you will experience on the train from Denver to Grand Junction are only accessible by rail, making traveling by train the most enjoyable form of transportation between the two cities. You will also be treated to views of wildlife as you traverse the Rocky Mountains, and finally enjoy the scenic views of mountains and peach vineyards as you enter Grand Junction.

Are overnight/sleeper trains available from Denver to Grand Junction?

As the journey from Denver to Grand Junction is relatively long, Amtrak gives you the option to select from a variety of sleeper train options on your ride. Trains from Denver to Grand Junction allow you to choose between a roomette, bedroom, bedroom suite, family bedroom, and accessible bedroom as the sleeper train options. The private room options offered on trains to Grand Junction from Denver give passengers extra perks, such as complimentary meals, access to the train lounge, and dedicated sleeping car attendants. Private overnight trains cost slightly more than standard seating options, and the different offerings differ in price and amenities. Book through momondo to decide which of these offerings will be the most convenient for you.

What train stations are used when traveling from Denver to Grand Junction?

The primary departure station for the Amtrak California Zephyr train to Grand Junction from Denver is the Union Station located at 1701 Wynkoop Street. The train station is the main transport hub in Denver and can be accessed by either cab or taxi services, or the intercity bus network. It is also close to the Denver International Airport. Some of the amenities in the train station include free Wi-Fi, restroom facilities, accessibility features, and food and drink stations. There arrival station at Grand Junction is located on 339 South 1st Street, and is the only train station in Grand Junction. Its amenities include a waiting area, restroom facilities, ample parking, and accessibility features.

Are pets allowed on the train from Denver to Grand Junction?

Feel welcome to bring your furry friend on board as Amtrak has a pet friendly policy on Denver to Grand Junction trains. Cats and dogs that weigh up to 20lbs (both pet and accompanying carrier) are welcome on the Amtrak California Zephyr, despite the route being longer than seven hours. There are a maximum of five pets allowable on each Denver to Grand Junction train, therefore you are encouraged to make prior reservations to ensure your pet gets space on the train. You are also required to fill in the required paperwork for traveling with your pet and present it upon checking in. Service animals are allowed on the train free of charge and do not count towards the five pet limit allowed on each train.

What luggage is allowed on Denver to Grand Junction trains?

Amtrak gives passengers an adequate baggage allowance on trains to Grand Junction from Denver. Passengers are allowed up to four checked bags, two of which are included in the price of the train ticket. You are also allowed to bring on board two carry-on items and two personal items, all of which should be small enough to either be stored in the overhead compartment or underneath the seat.

How much does a train ticket from Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl cost?

If you need a train from Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl for this week you can find options from $69 one-way. This month, the average cost of a train ticket from Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl is $83 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl?

7h 44m is the fastest available option to arrive in Grand Junction Regnl from Denver Intl by train. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 08m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Look into Amtrak, they have one of the quickest options available.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl?

Currently, train tickets prices from Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl are generally similar no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are $83 one-way on average.

Which train companies operate between Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl?

Ride to your destination comfortably on Amtrak. Consider Amtrak as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl starting at $152.

How far is Denver Intl to Grand Junction Regnl by train?

Denver Intl and Grand Junction Regnl are 195.9 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. In terms of time, a normal route is around 7h 44m.

Amtrak trains from Denver to Grand Junction

Our best Amtrak deals on Denver to Grand Junction train tickets
May 19
EN88:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
9JT4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 21
9JT9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
EN86:27 pmDenver Union
Apr 29
EN88:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
9JT4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 6
9JT9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
EN86:27 pmDenver Union
May 20
EN88:46 amDenver Union
7h 44m
9JT4:30 pmGrand Junction
May 22
9JT9:53 amGrand Junction
8h 34m
EN86:27 pmDenver Union

Other train routes from Denver

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