Find trains from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville

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Apr 25 — May 21
1 adult
Thu 4/25

Best deals for train tickets from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville

Find the right train ticket for you
With transfers
11h 46m
With transfers
11h 46m
With transfers
11h 46m
With transfers
11h 46m
With transfers
11h 46m
With transfers
6h 41m

Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville






8h 29m


Renfe, iryo
The best round-trip train deal from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $43
The best one-way train deal from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $29
Average time it takes to travel by train from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Renfe, iryo

Barcelona-El Prat Airport Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Barcelona-El Prat Airport
Barcelona Torre BaròBarcelona, 41.461353, 2.180421
Barcelona CambrilsBarcelona, 41.06935, 1.05294
Barcelona Salou Port AventuraBarcelona, 41.087492, 1.145452
Barcelona Passeig de GraciaBarcelona, 41.39228, 2.164896
Barcelona Sant Andreu ComtalBarcelona, 41.436104, 2.193142
Barcelona Clot-AragóBarcelona, 41.409218, 2.187646

Seville Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Seville
Seville San BernardoSeville, 37.377712, -5.979643
Seville Virgen del RocíoSeville, 37.362881, -5.97595
Seville BellavistaSeville, 37.321468, -5.964338
Seville Santa JustaSeville, 37.3918677862281, -5.975363290492593

Book round-trip train tickets from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Oct 23
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Oct 24
9:12 amSeville Santa Justa
11h 05m
8:17 pmBarcelona Sants
Nov 30
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Dec 2
9:12 amSeville Santa Justa
11h 05m
8:17 pmBarcelona Sants
Oct 23
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Oct 24
7:10 amSeville Santa Justa
6h 05m
1 stop
1:15 pmBarcelona Sants
Sep 14
5:25 pmBarcelona Sants
6h 41m
1 stop
12:06 amSeville Santa Justa
Sep 21
9:12 amSeville Santa Justa
11h 05m
8:17 pmBarcelona Sants
Oct 12
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Oct 13
9:12 amSeville Santa Justa
11h 05m
8:17 pmBarcelona Sants
Sep 14
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Sep 21
9:12 amSeville Santa Justa
11h 05m
8:17 pmBarcelona Sants

Book one-way train tickets from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Jul 13
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Jun 7
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Jun 7
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Jun 4
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Jul 14
7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Aug 5
5:25 pmBarcelona Sants
6h 41m
1 stop
12:06 amSeville Santa Justa

Choose the best way to get from Barcelona to Seville


14h 00m
$70 one-way$137 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1371 stop · from $75

Distance to downtown

EVI1.0 mi
72lb CO2

86% less than flights

Find Buses

Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville Buses


5h 38m
$29 one-way$43 round-trip
Nonstop · from $431 stop · from $54

Distance to downtown

XQA0.7 mi


1h 40m
$34 one-way$33 round-trip
Nonstop · from $33

Distance to downtown

SVQ5.6 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Barcelona to Seville

What train stations are used when traveling from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville?

The main departure stations for trains to Seville are Barcelona–El Prat and Barcelona Sants. Trains from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville take an average of 5h 30min, a ride that is both scenic and memorable for any traveler. The most convenient form of transport that travelers can use to connect to Barcelona-El Prat Airport station is via taxi. Additionally, there several bus stops near the station, making it accessible for people who prefer mass transit. Many travelers also connect to this station from the various train lines in Barcelona. Some of the popular train stations in Barcelona from which travelers can connect to Barcelona Sants before traveling to Seville include Estació del Nord, Franca Railway Station, and Urgell. For instance, traveling to Barcelona Sants from Estació del Nord takes about 16 minutes.

Are pets allowed on the trains from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville?

Good news for pet owners: train tickets to Seville from Barcelona-El Prat Airport come with the provision of traveling with your cat, dog, or bird at no extra cost. The pet policy of the Renfe train company is one of the best. There are no weight limits for pets that passengers can travel with, which is a common restriction in the pet policies of many other train companies. There is also no need for pets to travel in a cage or carrier. Although there is the concern of freely moving pets bothering other travelers, a lack of carrier or cage requirement offers greater convenience to pet owners. However, if you are traveling with a dog on trains to Seville from Barcelona-El Prat Airport, you must ensure that the dog wears a muzzle.

What luggage is allowed on Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville trains?

Trains from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville have a lenient luggage policy that allows passengers to travel with their baggage without any worry. You can board Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville trains with all different types of baggage, including backpacks, suitcases, handbags, and other travel bags. The ability to carry more luggage is one of the main reasons why many travelers prefer traveling on trains, in addition to their affordability as a means of transport. The luggage policy, however, requires that travelers adhere to three key requirements. First, the number of luggage items that every passenger can travel with is limited to three items. For example, a person can travel with two suitcases and one handbag. Second, each of the three baggage items should not weigh more than 55 lbs (25 kg). The size of each item should not be more than 34 x 22 x 14 in (85 x 55 x 35 cm), while the overall length of the three luggage items should not exceed 115 in (290 cm).

Do Renfe trains from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville have Wi-Fi?

All passengers on Renfe trains enjoy free Wi-Fi as one of the onboard amenities. In addition to traversing a scenic route, the availability of this free Wi-Fi on Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville trains provides passengers with a wonderful trip. In your cozy, spacious seat, you can enjoy access to online music and videos to keep you entertained throughout the entire journey. If you want to stay connected with the world, you can catch up with the news online or browse your favorite social media apps. Similar to the trains, free Wi-Fi is available at all Renfe train stations in Barcelona and Seville. Travelers can pass time on the internet as they wait for trains to Seville from Barcelona-El Prat Airport.

How long is the train ride from Barcelona-El Prat to Sevilla?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 5h 58m train from Barcelona-El Prat to Sevilla. Depending on the train you select, the travel time may vary by up to 2h 31m. Consider Renfe for the quickest available option to your destination.

Which train companies operate between Barcelona-El Prat to Sevilla?

You can find train tickets for Renfe and iryo which service this route currently. Renfe is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at $43 round-trip.

How far is Barcelona-El Prat to Sevilla by train?

While Sevilla is 508.2 mi away from Barcelona-El Prat, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. The train takes 5h 58m, typically.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Barcelona-El Prat to Sevilla?

The carbon footprint of taking the train from Barcelona-El Prat to Sevilla is about 114lb. Carbon emissions for flights between these two cities are around 523lb. This journey by bus would lower emissions to around 72lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville?

We’ve found that taking a flight from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville with Vueling is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A train from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville or a bus from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville can take you longer than a 1h 40m flight.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville?

The cheapest way is to get a flight from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville, which can be as cheap as $33. A train from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville is more expensive than a flight, with prices starting at $43. A bus from Barcelona-El Prat Airport to Seville is also an option, with an average price of $137.

Renfe trains from Barcelona to Seville

Our best Renfe deals on Barcelona to Seville train tickets
Oct 23
YJB7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
XQA7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Oct 24
XQA9:12 amSeville Santa Justa
11h 05m
YJB8:17 pmBarcelona Sants
Nov 30
YJB7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
XQA7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Dec 2
XQA9:12 amSeville Santa Justa
11h 05m
YJB8:17 pmBarcelona Sants
Oct 23
YJB7:45 amBarcelona Sants
11h 46m
XQA7:31 pmSeville Santa Justa
Oct 24
XQA7:10 amSeville Santa Justa
6h 05m
1 stop
YJB1:15 pmBarcelona Sants

Popular train routes to Seville

Most frequently searched train routes to Seville, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Seville from Madrid
Fastest travel time2h 33m
Cheapest price$28
Trains to Seville from Málaga
Fastest travel time2h 54m
Cheapest price$72

Other train routes from Barcelona

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Barcelona to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Barcelona to Madrid
Fastest travel time2h 29m
Cheapest price$25
Trains from Barcelona to Valencia
Fastest travel time2h 52m
Cheapest price$49
Trains from Barcelona to Alicante
Fastest travel time5h 17m
Cheapest price$79
Trains from Barcelona to Barcelona
Fastest travel time0h 38m
Cheapest price$30
Trains from Barcelona to Málaga
Fastest travel time6h 16m
Cheapest price$89
Trains from Barcelona to Marseille
Fastest travel time4h 49m
Cheapest price$118
Trains from Barcelona to Paris
Fastest travel time6h 45m
Cheapest price$359
Trains from Barcelona to Perpignan
Fastest travel time1h 22m
Cheapest price$64

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