
Find trains to Nimes

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May 1 — May 81
1 adult
Wed 5/1

Best deals for train tickets to Nimes

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With transfers
5h 05m
With transfers
3h 14m
With transfers
5h 05m
With transfers
2h 51m
With transfers
4h 43m
With transfers
3h 15m

Nimes train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Nimes








The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Nimes is from Montpellier, starting at $17. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Nimes is from Bordeaux, starting at $22. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Nimes is one of the most popular stations in Nimes
SNCF and Renfe also service this route

Nimes Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Nimes
Nimes Manduel Nîmes Pont du GardNimes, 43.816807, 4.50768
NimesNimes, 43.83251, 4.366169

Book round-trip train tickets to Nimes

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Nimes that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 8
3:37 pmMontpellier Saint-Roch
0h 33m
4:10 pmNimes
May 12
10:13 pmNimes
0h 34m
10:47 pmMontpellier Saint-Roch
May 8
5:12 pmMontpellier Sud de France
0h 18m
5:30 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
May 12
12:32 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
0h 19m
12:51 pmMontpellier Sud de France
May 23
11:06 amLyon Part-Dieu
1h 23m
12:29 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
May 27
8:18 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
1h 18m
9:36 pmLyon Part-Dieu
Jun 12
6:22 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
5h 05m
11:27 pmNimes
Jun 13
6:35 amNimes
5h 10m
11:45 amBordeaux Quai de Paludate
May 23
12:32 pmLyon-Saint Exupéry
1h 09m
1:41 pmNimes
May 27
7:20 pmNimes
1h 06m
8:26 pmLyon-Saint Exupéry
Sep 27
9:13 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
3h 14m
12:27 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
Sep 29
2:21 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
2h 58m
5:19 pmChessy Marne-la-Vallée

Book one-way train tickets to Nimes

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Nimes found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
May 27
6:22 pmBordeaux Quai de Paludate
5h 05m
11:27 pmNimes
Sep 9
9:13 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
3h 14m
12:27 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
May 27
6:22 pmBordeaux Saint-Jean
5h 05m
11:27 pmNimes
Sep 9
11:46 amParis Austerlitz
2h 51m
2:37 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
Sep 2
7:44 amTourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
4h 43m
12:27 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard
May 14
9:14 amChessy Marne-la-Vallée
3h 15m
12:29 pmManduel Nîmes Pont du Gard

FAQs for booking trains to Nimes

How much is a train ticket to Nimes Garons?

The average price you’ll pay to travel by train to Nimes Garons will be determined by where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from Barcelona the lowest ticket price is usually about $148, from Brussels it’s about $156 and from Lyon it’s around $95.

What is the main train station in Nimes Garons?

Nimes is a transportation hub in Nimes Garons. You’ll find trains arriving and departing from here daily. Some common major cities you can get to by train from Nimes are Lille, Lyon, and Paris.

What train companies go to Nimes Garons?

Some of the options we’ve found for trains to Nimes Garons are SNCF and Renfe. Typically, your options for trains to Nimes Garons will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a train to Nimes Garons?

Our users have found train tickets to Nimes Garons for $33 on average this week. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. We recommend booking when you can to ensure you have your desired date secured.

How far is the center of Nimes Garons from Nimes and Manduel Nîmes Pont du Gard stations?

The distance to the center of Nimes Garons from either Nimes station or Manduel Nîmes Pont du Gard station is 6.1 mi and null, respectively.

How far is Nimes from Arena of Nîmes and Nimes City Centre?

Nimes Garons's Nimes is 0.4 mi from Arena of Nîmes and 0.3 mi from Nimes City Centre.

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