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Apr 24 — May 11
1 adult
Wed 4/24

Best deals for train tickets from Montreal to Halifax

Find the right train ticket for you
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
21h 26m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
21h 26m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
21h 26m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
21h 26m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
21h 26m
VIA Rail Canada
VIA Rail Canada
With transfers
21h 26m
VIA Rail Canada

Montreal to Halifax train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Montreal to Halifax






21h 30m


VIA Rail Canada
The best round-trip train deal from Montreal to Halifax found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $221
The best one-way train deal from Montreal to Halifax found on momondo in the last 72 hours is $111
Average time it takes to travel by train from Montreal to Halifax
There is 1 train company servicing this route: VIA Rail Canada

Montreal Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Montreal
Montreal DorvalMontreal, 45.448763, -73.741329
Montreal Saint-LambertMontreal, 45.499167, -73.507222
Montreal CentralMontreal, 45.499443, -73.565834

Halifax Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Halifax
HalifaxHalifax, 44.639444, -63.568056

Book round-trip train tickets from Montreal to Halifax

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Montreal to Halifax that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
VIA Rail Canada
Aug 18
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
Aug 23
1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 12
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
Jul 19
1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert
VIA Rail Canada
May 3
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
May 5
1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert
VIA Rail Canada
May 3
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
May 5
1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert
VIA Rail Canada
May 3
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
May 5
1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert
VIA Rail Canada
Jul 7
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
Aug 9
1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert

Book one-way train tickets from Montreal to Halifax

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Montreal to Halifax we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
VIA Rail Canada
Jun 14
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
VIA Rail Canada
Sep 29
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
VIA Rail Canada
May 3
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
VIA Rail Canada
May 1
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
VIA Rail Canada
May 3
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax
VIA Rail Canada
May 1
7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
5:51 pmHalifax

FAQs for booking trains from Montreal to Halifax

What is there to see along the train ride from Halifax to Montreal?

The journey on trains from Halifax to Montreal takes travelers through some beautiful countryside in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Quebec in eastern Canada. As you make your way north out of Halifax on trains from Halifax to Montreal, you can enjoy great views of the Bay of Fundy to the west of the train and the Northumberland Strait, which separates Prince Edward Island from Nova Scotia, on the right side of the train. As you travel north, you will eventually pass the Jacquet River Gorge as you head toward the banks of the St. Lawrence River and make your way through the beautiful and romantic old-world Quebec City. From here, the rest of your journey will take you through a number of small towns and suburbs of Quebec City and Montreal before finally arriving at the station in downtown Montreal.

Are pets allowed on the train from Halifax to Montreal?

If you have a pet that you would like to bring on trains to Montreal from Halifax, you will be pleased to know that the train provider for this route, VIA Rail, has quite a generous pet policy. You can bring a small dog or cat in an approved container as long as it will fit comfortably in the area around your seat. The train provider asks that all pets are at least 12 weeks old, and you may only bring one pet per passenger. The total weight of both the carrier and the pet cannot be more than 22 lbs (10 kg), and you will be charged a fee to bring the pet aboard the train.

What luggage is allowed on Halifax to Montreal trains?

Depending on the class of seating you choose on your Halifax to Montreal train, you can generally bring one personal item aboard the train as well as one or two larger items, and you can also bring an additional carry-on item for an added fee. In addition, you have the option to check two bags for travel in the baggage car on your trip. You can also bring non-standard and oversized items on trains to Montreal from Halifax, such as golf bags, strollers, bicycles, or ski and snowboard equipment. Depending on the train in question, these can often be a substitute for another bag you would otherwise get to bring with you, or you may be required to pay a fee to bring them on the train.

Are overnight / sleeper trains available from Halifax to Montreal?

If you would like to travel overnight on Halifax to Montreal trains, you are in luck because the only train available departs at around 1:00 p.m. from Halifax and arrives the next morning in Montreal at around 10:00 a.m. You have many seating options available on this train, such as economy and economy plus train tickets, plus there are also quite a few sleeper options, such as cabins that can accommodate one, two, or three passengers, some of which include a restroom inside of the cabin.

Do VIA Rail trains from Halifax to Montreal have Wi-Fi?

Quite possibly one of the best things about traveling on trains from Halifax to Montreal is the complimentary Wi-Fi service on most of the trains offered on this route. One thing to keep in mind is that the train provider restricts the bandwidth of their Wi-Fi to make sure that all of the passengers have equal access to the technology. Therefore, you will most likely be unable to stream movies and music while you are on the train.

How much does a train ticket from Montreal to Halifax Intl cost?

For this week, you can purchase tickets from Montreal to Halifax Intl starting at $122 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Montreal to Halifax Intl?

21h 26m is the fastest available option to arrive in Halifax Intl from Montreal by train. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 04m. This largely depends on whether your train ride includes stops or a direct route from Montreal to Halifax Intl. Consider VIA Rail Canada for the quickest available option to your destination.

Which train companies operate between Montreal to Halifax Intl?

You can find train tickets for VIA Rail Canada which service this route currently. VIA Rail Canada is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at $221 round-trip.

How far is Montreal to Halifax Intl by train?

A train from Montreal to Halifax Intl will travel much more than the 490.4 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, and stops along the way. In terms of time, a normal route is around 21h 26m.

VIA Rail Canada trains from Montreal to Halifax

Our best VIA Rail Canada deals on Montreal to Halifax train tickets
VIA Rail Canada
Aug 18
XLM7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
XDG5:51 pmHalifax
Aug 23
XDG1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
XLM9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert
VIA Rail Canada
May 3
XLM7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
XDG5:51 pmHalifax
May 5
XDG1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
XLM9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert
VIA Rail Canada
Jun 21
XLM7:25 pmMontreal Saint-Lambert
21h 26m
XDG5:51 pmHalifax
Jun 26
XDG1:00 pmHalifax
21h 34m
XLM9:34 amMontreal Saint-Lambert

Other train routes from Montreal

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Montreal to other popular destinations on momondo
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Fastest travel time4h 22m
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Trains from Montreal to Ottawa
Fastest travel time1h 33m
Cheapest price$81
Trains from Montreal to Québec City
Fastest travel time2h 26m
Cheapest price$62

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