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maj 2 — maj 91
1 adult
tor. 5/2

Best deals for train tickets to Málaga

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With transfers
2h 48m
With transfers
3h 00m
With transfers
2h 47m
With transfers
2h 47m
With transfers
2h 47m
With transfers
2h 42m

Málaga train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Málaga






Málaga María Zambrano


The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Málaga is from Madrid, starting at $39. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Málaga is from Madrid, starting at $23. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Málaga María Zambrano is one of the most popular stations in Málaga
Renfe, iryo, and AccesRail also service this route

Málaga Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Málaga
Málaga Antequera Santa AnaMálaga, 37.06985, -4.719039
Málaga Antequera CiudadMálaga, 37.028163, -4.560913
Málaga AndújarMálaga, 38.028257, -4.065973
Málaga María ZambranoMálaga, 36.71139, -4.4327774

Book round-trip train tickets to Málaga

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Málaga that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Aug 31
5:37 pmMadrid Atocha
3h 10m
8:47 pmMálaga María Zambrano
Sep 7
9:18 pmMálaga María Zambrano
2h 44m
12:02 amMadrid Atocha
Nov 9
3:07 pmMadrid Atocha
2h 47m
5:54 pmMálaga Estación de Autobuses
Nov 13
8:30 pmMálaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
11:19 pmMadrid Atocha
May 12
7:36 amGranada
1h 24m
9:00 amMálaga Estación de Autobuses
May 16
8:20 pmMálaga Estación de Autobuses
1h 17m
9:37 pmGranada
May 12
6:35 pmGranada
1h 24m
7:59 pmMálaga María Zambrano
May 16
3:42 pmMálaga María Zambrano
1h 18m
5:00 pmGranada
Aug 27
5:37 pmMadrid Atocha
3h 10m
8:47 pmMálaga María Zambrano
Sep 2
9:18 pmMálaga María Zambrano
2h 44m
12:02 amMadrid Atocha
Jun 8
8:35 pmMadrid Atocha
3h 00m
11:35 pmMálaga María Zambrano
Jun 10
8:00 pmMálaga María Zambrano
3h 08m
11:08 pmMadrid Atocha

Book one-way train tickets to Málaga

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Málaga found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
May 28
9:10 amMadrid Atocha
2h 48m
11:58 amMálaga María Zambrano
May 21
8:35 pmMadrid Atocha
3h 00m
11:35 pmMálaga María Zambrano
May 21
8:55 pmMadrid Atocha
2h 47m
11:42 pmMálaga María Zambrano
Jun 1
8:55 pmMadrid Atocha
2h 47m
11:42 pmMálaga Estación de Autobuses
Jun 5
8:55 pmMadrid Atocha
2h 47m
11:42 pmMálaga María Zambrano
May 4
6:40 pmMadrid Atocha
2h 42m
9:22 pmMálaga Estación de Autobuses

FAQs for booking trains to Málaga

How much is a train ticket to Malaga?

The ticket price can vary depending on general demand and more importantly where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from a popular departure point like Madrid for instance, prices usually start around $36. Barcelona and Seville are other options, with prices usually starting from around $89 and $63 respectively.

What is the main train station in Malaga?

You’ll find most people utilize Málaga María Zambrano in Malaga. It’s one of the busiest and most populated stations in the area. Some frequently accessed cities you can get to by train from Málaga María Zambrano are Madrid, Seville, and Barcelona.

What train companies go to Malaga?

Some of the options we’ve found for trains to Malaga are Renfe, iryo, and AccesRail. Typically, your options for trains to Malaga will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a train to Malaga?

Ride a one-way train to Malaga for $23 on average this week. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. We recommend booking when you can, as seats may be limited.

How far is the center of Malaga from Málaga María Zambrano, Antequera Santa Ana and Antequera Ciudad stations?

4.3 mi separate Málaga María Zambrano station (the city’s most popular train station) from the center of Malaga. 30.4 mi separate Antequera Santa Ana station (the second most popular station) from the center of Malaga. 25.0 mi separate Antequera Ciudad station (the third most popular station) from the center of Malaga.

How far is Málaga María Zambrano from Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga - Fycma, Plaza de la Constitucion and Playa la Malagueta?

You will need to travel 1.6 mi to get from Málaga María Zambrano to Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga - Fycma, 0.9 mi to get from Málaga María Zambrano to Plaza de la Constitucion, and 1.7 mi to get from Málaga María Zambrano to Playa la Malagueta.

Popular train routes to Málaga

Most frequently searched train routes to Málaga, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Málaga from Madrid
Fastest travel time2h 28m
Cheapest price$36
Trains to Málaga from Barcelona
Fastest travel time6h 16m
Cheapest price$89
Trains to Málaga from Seville
Fastest travel time2h 52m
Cheapest price$63

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