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Apr 21 — Apr 281
1 adult
Sun 4/21

Best deals for train tickets to Exeter

Find the right train ticket for you
With transfers
4h 30m
With transfers
3h 25m
Multiple carriers
With transfers
4h 11m
Multiple carriers
South Western Railway
With transfers
3h 33m
South Western Railway
South Western Railway
With transfers
3h 19m
South Western Railway
With transfers
6h 00m

Exeter train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Exeter






Exeter Sidwell Stop


The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Exeter is from London, starting at $45. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Exeter is from London, starting at $28. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Exeter Sidwell Stop is one of the most popular stations in Exeter
AccesRail, Great Western Railway, and South Western Railway also service this route

Exeter Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Exeter
Exeter CranbrookExeter, 50.750095, -3.420387
Exeter Crediton CopplestoneExeter, 50.814446, -3.751579
Exeter NewcourtExeter, 50.702594, -3.472539
Exeter CreditonExeter, 50.78289, -3.645673
Exeter ExmouthExeter, 50.62179, -3.41507
Exeter ExtonExeter, 50.668297, -3.44411

Book round-trip train tickets to Exeter

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets to Exeter that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
May 13
4:15 pmLondon Heathrow
3h 45m
8:00 pmExeter
May 17
2:05 amExeter
3h 25m
5:30 amLondon Heathrow
May 13
11:50 amLondon Heathrow
3h 55m
3:45 pmExeter
May 18
12:00 pmExeter
3h 40m
3:40 pmLondon Heathrow
May 13
4:15 pmLondon Heathrow
3h 45m
8:00 pmExeter
May 18
4:40 amExeter
3h 45m
1 stop
8:25 amLondon Heathrow
May 13
11:50 amLondon Heathrow
3h 55m
3:45 pmExeter
May 17
1:00 amExeter
4h 30m
1 stop
5:30 amLondon Heathrow
May 3
8:50 pmLondon Heathrow
3h 40m
1 stop
12:30 amExeter
May 9
9:10 amExeter
3h 35m
12:45 pmLondon Heathrow
May 31
4:15 pmLondon Heathrow
3h 45m
8:00 pmExeter
Jul 29
4:55 pmExeter
3h 35m
8:30 pmLondon Heathrow

Book one-way train tickets to Exeter

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Exeter found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
Sep 3
11:40 pmLondon Heathrow
4h 30m
1 stop
4:10 amExeter
Sep 3
7:35 pmLondon Heathrow
3h 25m
11:00 pmExeter
Multiple carriers
Jun 4
9:20 amLondon Waterloo
4h 11m
1 stop
1:31 pmExeter St. Thomas
South Western Railway
Jun 4
7:10 amLondon Waterloo
3h 33m
10:43 amExeter St Davids
South Western Railway
Jun 4
8:20 amLondon Waterloo
3h 19m
11:39 amExeter Central
Sep 3
3:35 pmLondon Luton
6h 00m
1 stop
9:35 pmExeter

FAQs for booking trains to Exeter

How much is a train ticket to Exeter?

Users have found that prices vary from their starting point. Tickets for trains from Exeter, Birmingham, or London usually start from around $506, $201, or $506, respectively.

What is the main train station in Exeter?

The main station in Exeter is Exeter Sidwell Stop. At Exeter Sidwell Stop, you can find a number of trains offering service to other major cities. You can find train arrivals and departures at Exeter Sidwell Stop from and to several major nearby cities such as Exeter, Birmingham, and London.

What train companies go to Exeter?

AccesRail, Great Western Railway, and South Western Railway are some of the options available if you’re seeking to travel by train to Exeter. More rail options may be available, depending on where you’re coming from.

How far in advance should I book a train to Exeter?

Ride a one-way train to Exeter for $45 on average this week. We don’t expect any changes in price for the next 3 months. We recommend booking when you can to ensure you have your desired date secured.

How far is the center of Exeter from Exeter Sidwell Stop, Exeter Digby & Sowton and Exeter St. Thomas stations?

If you are traveling from Exeter Sidwell Stop station, Exeter Digby & Sowton station or Exeter St. Thomas station to the center of Exeter, then the most direct route is 4.8 mi, 2.9 mi and 5.5 mi, respectively.

How far is Exeter Sidwell Stop from University of Exeter?

Exeter's Exeter Sidwell Stop is 0.8 mi from University of Exeter.

Popular train routes to Exeter

Most frequently searched train routes to Exeter, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Exeter from London
Fastest travel time2h 00m
Cheapest price$506

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